E & M Podcast
Work with a partner to create a script and podcast on 21st century teaching and learning.
Outcomes Gained
Learned to created a podcast with a partner in two separate physical locations.
Held a professional discussion on 21st century teaching and learning.
Became familiar with the free podcasting tool Zencastr (www.zencastr.com).
The partner aspect of this project took me out of my comfort zone but luckily, I was able to work with a wonderful partner that made the process fun! We previously learned about podcasting with Dr. Par so we weren't intimidated by the podcast itself but were a little confused about how we would be able to get this done from north and south Louisiana at the same time. After a few tries with the free tool Zencastr, we were able to figure it out and were happy with the final product. Overall, I think we both really enjoyed this assignment!