How can we be Champions for Peace?


Catholic Social Teaching Principles - SJW 2023

Firstly we will learn about the Catholic Social Teaching Principles. 

For the remainder of this term we will have a focus on the 'Promotion of Peace'

Answer the following the questions on the flipgrid:

What does it mean to be a peacemaker?

What does Peace mean in the Catholic Faith?

What are the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (come up with a one sentence answer for each).

WEEK 7: Symbols of Peace


Peace Prayer Book                          Praying for Peace                                                 Te Īnoi mō te Rangimārie

LEARNING OUTCOME: Create a Peace Prayer book of Catholic prayers, prayers from other religions and prayers of our own for peace.

You need at least a minimum of 5 prayers that are both catholic and other religions, one prayer written by you. One page at the end to reflect on using the questions at the bottom.

Think of some amazing Catholic saints who have written and prayed many great prayers for peace. These could help you get started!

Check out: St Francis of Assisi, St Teresa of Calcutta, St John Paul II, St Teresa of Ávila, St John XXIII, St Frances Xavier Cabrini and St Oscar Romero.  

Many world religions promote peace as a core value and focus of their teachings. Here are some examples:

Buddhism: The Buddha taught that peace can be achieved through the cultivation of inner peace and the practice of compassion and nonviolence.

Hinduism: The concept of ahimsa, or nonviolence, is a central tenet of Hinduism. This principle is practiced by abstaining from harming any living being.

Islam: The word “Islam” itself means “peace” in Arabic. Muslims are taught to seek peace with all people and to refrain from violence except in self- defence.

Judaism: The Hebrew Bible teaches the value of peace and instructs Jews to seek peace with all people.

Sikhism: The Sikh religion teaches the principle of “Sarbat da Bhalla,” which means working for the welfare of all people regardless of their background or beliefs.

Reflection Page:

Across the religions what are some of the common themes that you have found in the prayers for peace?

What was your favourite prayer? Explain why?

Why is peace so important? 

Why does it seem so elusive (hard to achieve)?

What is one thing you could do?

Finding the Good News
Finding Peace in Troubled Times


RE Lesson