Learner Voice Kilbeggan

Welcome to Scoil an Chlochair, Kilbeggan's information page. Please browse the information below on the work we have undertaken over the past few years.

Ericsson collaboration-Over the past few years we have forged a close link with the Ericsson software campus in Athlone. Collaboration and sharing of ideas has taken place in Scratch. Co-ordinators from Ericssons worked with our students on the use of Scratch in the classroom. We were lucky enough to visit the Ericsson's campus in Athlone. We listened to talks from software engineers and hackers and had a live video chat from with an employee in India. We also toured the complex and visited the vast array of servers which store information on games such as Fortnite etc. The class had a wonderful experience. We have upcoming Microbit training by Ericsson's organised in April which will enhance our understanding of Microbits.

Coeducate- Teacher's in the Digital Cluster received online training in Coeducate as part of the summer programme. In turn, the children became proficient in using the coeducate platform. This gave them increased knowledge of junior java script and made them aware of how computers read information. Classes took place weekly in our computer room.

Gsuite for Education-With the help of the PDST we received training on Gsuite for Education. We decided to roll this out for Senior classes in the school. All children and teachers have become more confident and competent in using the various resources available to us. This was extremely beneficial in online learning as it allowed students and teachers to share and collaborate ideas and lessons.

Digital technology in the classroom-We have comprehensively improved our ICT infrastructure over the past few years. With the help of the Digital ICT grant, we have equipped three classrooms with Promethean boards. There are 15 Chromebooks with a charging trolley and 15 ipads for use by the students. The classrooms have a designated timetable in which to undertake ICT and this has enhanced their overall proficiency and confidence in using ICT. We hope to further improve the ICT infrastructure in the coming years by adding a bank of ipads for the SET team, undertake ICT training for teachers and enhance the overall learning experience for students and teacher alike.