Stevens Energy Initiative

Latest News

8 Jul 2019

High school students Casey Lau and Karmen Li join for the summer. Check out their blog about their summer adventures here

28 Jun 2019

The Energy Initiative welcomes seven summer undergraduate scholars to our team

Prof. Stephanie Lee's role in mentoring students in STEM is highlighted by Stevens

20 Jun 2019

Prof. Stephanie Lee's invited perspective article on nanoconfined crystallization in optoelectronics is accepted to the "Up and Coming" Series of Chemistry of Materials

21 May 2019

Profs Nick Parziale and Stephanie Lee are co-recipients of the 2019 Provost Early Career Award for Research Excellence

19 Mar 2019

A state-of-the-art atomic force microscope is installed as part of the PSEG-Stevens Partnership

28 Feb 2019

An Energy Innovations @ Stevens Workshop is held

01 Feb 2019

Prof. Stephanie Lee is awarded the NSF Early CAREER Research grant for her work on organic solar cells

01 Aug 2018

Solid-state battery expert Prof. Jae Chul Kim (MIT PhD '14) joins the Stevens Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department

Welcome to the Stevens Energy Initiative!

The Stevens Initiative is a campus wide effort to bring to realization technologies, materials and processes that will open access to clean, renewable sources of energy.

Projects on the large-scale manufacturing of high-performance flexible solar panels to produce clean electricity from sunlight, the processing of materials for all-solid-state batteries that are safe and powerful, and the conversion of biomass to biofuel for carbon-neutral energy sources are being researched as part of this initiative.

Energy Scholars Summer Events

4 Jun 2019 @ 2pm in McLean 120

"Solar Cell Fundamentals" by Prof. Stephanie Lee

11 Jun 2019 @ 4pm in Mclean 120

"Interpreting 2D X-Ray Diffraction Spectra" by Prof. Stephanie S. Lee

2 Jul 2019 @ 2pm in Babbio 319

"Biofuel Fundamentals" by Prof. Nick Parziale

18 Jul 2019 @ 2pm in Babbio 319

"Battery Fundamentals" by Prof. Jae Chul Kim