


Andrew D’Angelo

Corey Giannakas

Matthew Jaworski

Frank Pinnola


Prof. Hong Man


Many people have friends or relatives living far away from them. Most of these people do not have the money required to visit them very often. Although texting or calling could be a cheap way to communicate with people who are far away, it would lack the personal connection of meeting someone face-to-face. Video calls are, therefore, very important as they allow a cost-effective way to talk to someone who is far away, while still providing a personal connection. The primary bottleneck of this solution, however, was the bandwidth in the environment. Video calls were notorious for their subpar quality and frequent interruptions if the bandwidth was anything less than stellar. GANtalk’s product was a software application that used computer vision with a GAN to breakdown each frame of the video into a series of data points that modify the previous image on the receiving computer, which created the next frame of the video. Since the video would then be sent as a series of data points instead of a series of images, the amount of data that needed to be sent was drastically reduced. This solved both the problems of subpar quality and interruptions in low bandwidth environments.


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering