Milestone 2

Project Plan:

For this project we plan to utilize SDRs and other wireless signal transmitters to detect signals in a specific a location. This will be done by a series of sub-systems, each which will be designed according to modern standards to best simulate a deployment. 

The first step in this project is identifying the antennas that we will use for each sub-system of this project. This is currently based around common Wi-Fi frequencies, E-ZPass frequencies, and may stretch to include cellular signals. To continue, we will define who will be focusing on each sub-system and identifying common strategies and common issues on each frontier. 

For the SDR specific subsystems, we will create a simulation in MATLAB to model the behavior of the SDRs before real world implementation for the novel Fox-Ears method. After identifying the positioning required for the SDR's antenna's, we hope to be able to accurately detect signals. We will then write code to parse the location picked up by the SDR so that we can use the values in the future.

Separately, we will be creating a MATLAB file to represent the graphic user interface for our visualization aspect. The file will include the simulated signal and be able to depict in on the 3D map that we design.

We have divvied up responsibilities to teams that best reflect our skillsets. There are hardware, localization, and visualization. The hardware team is responsible for successful technical communications, and any custom circuitry required. The localization team is for aggregating the data from each sub-system and determining the points of each identified transmitter. The visualization team is responsible for displaying the 3D representation and creating a GUI. 

Design Concepts

Concepts Selection

Alternate Design Proposal 1: Enhanced Real-Time Tracking and Immersive Visualization

This design proposal focuses on enhancing the user experience by integrating dedicated GPS modules, inertial sensors, and geofencing for real-time tracking precision. It emphasizes immersive 3D visualization and augmented reality, providing users with dynamic insights into signal behavior. The design aims to balance precision with user-friendly navigation, making it suitable for applications requiring a blend of situational awareness and ease of use.

Alternate Design Proposal 2: Robust Signal Identification and Precise Tracking

Centering on robust signal identification and tracking accuracy, this design proposal introduces advanced algorithms for frequency-based signal identification and precise 3D tracking methods. It prioritizes sophisticated real-time GPS tracking through the integration of dedicated modules and inertial sensors. This design caters to users seeking a comprehensive solution for signal intelligence and accurate tracking, offering advanced capabilities in signal analysis and positioning.

Alternate Design Proposal 3: Advanced Environmental Mapping and Collaborative Visualization

Designed for collaborative environments and advanced environmental understanding, this proposal prioritizes comprehensive environmental mapping. It incorporates environmental mapping for RF propagation modeling, animated signal trajectories for dynamic visualization, and interactive 3D map integration. The emphasis is on providing users with a collaborative and insightful platform for understanding signal behavior in complex environments.

After completing the Kepner-Tregoe (KT) decision matrix, we were able to systematically evaluate and compare alternate design proposals. Through this process, we eliminated alternate designs constructed from our morphological chart, providing us with a clear and confident direction to continue with our chosen design. This helps ensure a well-grounded choice for the advancement of our 3D signal visualization system.


Depicted below are our process plans for each of the three components of this project. 

flock force block diagram.pdf





Test Plan 

With the recent restructuring of the project, our test plan will be readjusted to the new plan. 

According to our previous SDR-aimed project:

As there are several different parts to the project, we aim to test the different parts separately and then conjointly. 

On the hardware side, we hope to have the SDRs fully functioning and able to send and receive signals reliably. We plan on using a single frequency band to limit variables at this time. This test signal is likely to be a low power sub-GHz signal so that we can reuse this test in real life with limited interference. 

For the software aspect we hope to develop code that can parse the signal be able to determine position data. We plan on loading a matrix of positional data from each SDR, matching the associating signals from each device, and estimating a location in the 3D space. 

To test our MATLAB visualization, we hope to simulate a signal and have that "test signal" appear in our graphic user interface. This will graduate to a moving signal, then multiple moving signals.

According to our new modular approach:

The first step for testing will be to define the anticipated sub-systems we intend to display. At this time, we are aiming to use Wi-Fi fingerprinting as is used in indoor and outdoor localization. Some versions of this localization use a combination of Wi-Fi fingerprinting and longer ranged RFID. Wi-Fi fingerprinting would also be useful for identifying pineapples, or weaponized routers. Another sub-system we intend on implementing would be Sub-G system directed at E-ZPass enabled automobiles. Ideally this could be expanded to some cellular frequencies. 

The next step of this process will be identifying the ease of implementation and assigning new roles to our team based on this. This would allow us to begin to purchase hardware and begin modifying programs as a proof of concept. The hardware team is in charge of identifying what parts would implement best with the software teams knowledge and success with modifying programs. Testing can begin with selecting a particular frequency range that would include minimal noise and see the level of accuracy identified with such programs. 

The visualization team is able to continue their progress with the GUI and its modular inputs. To test our MATLAB visualization, we hope to simulate a signal and have that "test signal" appear in our graphic user interface. This will graduate to a moving signal, then multiple moving signals.