Milestone 4

Fig. 1 - Testing our optimized design in the Library B12 lab.

Our optimization consisted of adding a sensor read rate to eliminate unnecessary data and reduce hardware strain. We also optimized the front-end GUI so that information can be more readily comprehended. We also made a more streamlined backend of Python Application (written using Dash framework) which only required 2 files (main and css styling) to connect the MQTT Publisher (Arduino Micro) to the host application.  Lastly, we efficiently placed the Arduino device to reduce player discomfort and make the hardware as undetectable as possible. 


Fig. 2 - Our table setup at Stevens 2024 Innovation Expo.

Fig. 3 - Atilla Duck giving us a double thumbs up!

Our table (as shown above) was set up with a soccer ball and our 3D printed leg model equipped with a sock, shoe, shin guard, and our Arduino sensor hardware. Plugged into the Arduino Nano was the laptop running the Arduino code acting as the publisher to the MQTT server. Behind the TVs, our Raspberry Pi acting as the Wi-Fi and MQTT host/subscriber. The data was fed into our app displayed on the right TV screen. Our project poster was displayed on another TV screen.