Milestone 4

4.1- Optimization

In developing our project, several decisions had to be made in order to ensure smooth development and completion of the project. One main functional design choice we had to make was between implementing a mobile app vs a web app. In the later development stages, we realized that mobile app development would require much more time and refactoring in order to accommodate a mobile app. 

4.2- Delivery

Home Page

Users can choose what to view first

Model Viewer Page

Users can view their 3d model files from camera page

Camera Page

Users can snap or upload photos of their clothes

Tutorial Page

Users can check the tutorial how to use the website

4.3- Management

Project Management was achieved via task division and team communication. The team was able to approach tasks in a timely manner and adjust accordingly based on any roadblocks or redirections that appeared. the team met in class every Tuesday and Thursday and met with advisor every Thursday. As the Expo day comes closer, all team members were assigned a front-end page to update. JIRA was utilized for dividing tasks and getting the team on the same page with regards to what tasks were the most important to accomplish. The task division strategy ensured that all project aspects were appropriately addressed, facilitating timely completion. Overall, the team demonstrated strong project management skills, effectively navigating challenges and ensuring project milestones were met.