The Team

Victoria Beke

Marketing & PR Lead

Data Collection Co-Lead

Zoe Casten

Data Preprocessing Lead

Data Collection Co-Lead

Neuropype API Co-Lead

Janet Hamrani

Neurology Research Lead

Neural Network Research Lead

Web Designer

Christian O'Connell

Python Programming Co-Lead

Neural Network Implementation

Neuropype API Co-Lead

Jason Pinga

Programming Technician

Machine Learning Research

 Matthew Vaughan

Python Programming Co-Lead

Neuropype API Co-Lead

Team Assessments:

The team has been active in communication and setting goals. The team has 2 weekly meetings in-person at the new CPE lab in the basement floor of Samuel C. Williams Library,  and communicates via discord for anything not fully resolved in person.  If a member is unable to attend a meeting, they always let the team know well in advance, and make up any required work before the next meeting. 

Most of our work this semester has consisted of research and synthesis, as we worked in understanding and calibrating our OpenBCI headset, as well as researching neural networks and planning our data processing structure. Next semester, we shall begin working upon the research we have conducted and plans we have built. We have delegated tasks for each of our team members based on the work they have done on the project this semester as well as their individual skillsets.