Milestone 2

Milestone 2.1: Project Plan

(October) Finalize specifics, requirements, needs, and basic foundations

(October) Conduct research to select proper tools for implementation 

(November) Continue research, narrow down selections and ideas

(November) Start working on programming with rough draft, divide work evenly between all group members and specialties

(December) Continue working on framework and backend

(January) Check-in, some pivoting if necessary, set new milestones

(February) Enhance and optimize functionality, begin working tests

(March) Introduce working prototype

(April) Polishing, final touches,  presentation preparation

Milestone 2.2: Concepts

Many people with foodborne allergies currently do not have a quick, easy, and reliable method to make sure restaurants they plan to eat at are safe for them. This can lead to undue stress and having to examine in detail every single ingredient which is present on  a certain establishments menu. Addressing this problem will alleviate the aformentioned issues, and allow those with allergies to enjoy a much better state of mind when consuming food from restaurants on top of the increased time savings that will come with it. 

Our product is a sofware application that can be installed onto a users mobile device, which will use location services to interact with nearby eateries and establishments. Through the user configuring and tailoring the application to their specific needs, it will be able to effectively communicate all potential hazards to the user through methods of their choice, whether that be an alert, push notification, etc. This will be done through the implemetation of an algorithm that determines menu items and ingredients, through text scraping and text recognition. Also to be used will be sorting algorithms, which will match what the user has inputted and cross reference this with results from the search, and then flag each appropriately and notify the user based on their choice. The end result is a quick, simple, and efficient way to identify where a user can and cannot go to eat as constrained by their inputs. 

Milestone 2.3: Concept Selection

Milestone 2.4: Design

Fig 1: Website Interface Concept

Concept for the website interface that shall allow the user to search manually for restaurants at the top of the page as shown. A list of recommended restaurants would be displayed in a lower menu as shown. These restuarant options, in addition to the general map area displayed, shall be influenced by information gathered about the users general location and other potential factors.

Additional settings shall be reached by clicking an icon similar to the one displayed in the upper left corner. The user shall also be able to share the website to various social media platforms from an icon similar to the one in the bottom right corner of the figure.

The goal of the website and app interface designs shall be to display information cleanly and concisely while allowing for smooth navigation of interface menus and functions.

Fig 2: Map/Search Interface Concept

Concept for the app interface that displays restaurants and map area close to the users location. 

A search bar at the top of the interface allows for manual input of a restaurant or establishment. 

A risk level or similar method of displaying an overview of each restaurant shall be visible in the lower menu as shown. Tapping an individual establishment shall bring the user to the information shown in fig 3.

Fig 3: Menu Information Concept

Rough concept for the app interface that shall display more detailed information about the menu items of a given restuarant. This interface shall be accessed from tapping a restaurant selection in the bottom of the Fig 2.

Menu items and information shall be categorized by their potential risk to the user depending on their dietary restrictions or allergies. Allergy/dietary information shall be input by the user upon app set up.

Process Flowchart

Step 1: Travel toward any restaurant.

Step 2: The app automatically connects to our servers to find out how allergy friendly the nearby restaurants are.

Step 3: Open and view the app to find out which restaurants are safe and which ones you need to avoid.

Step 4:  Go to the restaurant and enjoy your meal.

Milestone 2.5: Analysis

Hardware Specifications

Computer with Web Browser

Android Smartphone (app)

AWS Hosting (Raspberry Pi for initial development)

Software Specifications

HTML & React (Website)

Java (App)

Internet Connection Required 

Milestone 2.6: Test Plan

A working prototype will be developed over the winter break, while the debugging and adding features will take place in the spring semester. The group will use each member's personal phone to test the app and make sure it is fully functional. The group hopes to divide the workload by letting half the members be in charge of finding and fixing errors and while the other half focus on brainstorming and implementing features.  The group is also considering making the app available to certain groups on campus to have them beta test it and offer feedback.