My 10th Grade Writing Portfolio


Greetings and welcome to my writing portfolio!

I'm currently a 10th grader at Sterling High School. A few things you should know about me before you read my writing: first of all, I'm weird, unbelievably weird. Second of all, half of the things I write are written at the last minute (thanks procrastination :') ) but I still think they're good? Maybe? Last, but definitely not least, I love writing. It's my passion and I happen to do it for funzies all the time. So, yeah. I guess that's a thing? I have included five of my writing pieces from the 20-21 school year. They will be put in the order I wrote them, from the beginning of the year to the end. Of course, that's not the only writing we did this year. We learned and wrote the following: personal narrative, argument, fiction, literary analysis, and investigative journalism (there's probably more but I can't remember them).

Happy reading!!