September 2022

This month is National Suicide Prevention month. We would like to help you understand this terrible social issue better by giving you some information and also some tools that may help you with your growing child/ren.

According to the Jason Foundation and their research, suicide is the second leading cause of death for people 10-24 years of age. Children die by suicide for a variety of reasons including bullying, declining mental health and not being able to envision getting past a current problem/issue (a breakup, poor grade or family conflict). Impulsive teens are more at risk and often do not seek trusted adults for help.

Bullying is a major factor in many suicides. Bullying is the intentional, repeated use of power to cause harm to another individual. It can be verbal, physical, threats, intimidation, or done through the use of technology. Students are very proficient with technology and often are learning the boundaries between what is okay and what is not. Because of these reasons, we strongly encourage parents to regularly check students' technology and understand that young people often do not report bullying for fear of losing their ability to use their technology. Having time away from technology can be very helpful in building outside relationships with others. Follow this link to see some helpful apps for parents.

If your student is struggling with social connections, experiencing strong emotions or does not seem to be coping well, you may want to seek these sources:

Restorative practices give students a chance to “restore” damaged relationships and can help students heal the damage done by others. We hope to support all students by making connections of protection as well as supportive adults who can help them through difficulties. Please contact us if we can be of service to you or your students at St. Stephen the Martyr.