
Category: Switzerland Summit Elev: 4,478 m / 14,693 ft Rock Type: Gneiss
Date: July 6&7, 2005 (Mon&Tue)Trip Report #: 9Partners: Jenny Abegg, David Valet 

Route: Hornli Ridge (5th + icy conditions)   

It had been a rather cool early summer, so the rock still had a lot of ice and snow on it, so we were forced to wear crampons from the beginning. This made scrambling up the usually-class-4-easy-class-5 rock rather tough. But we continued on, and teamed up with another climber named David. When we got to Solvay Hut at 13,130ft, my partners decided it was best to turn around. I was jealous of the two Korean climbers who we found in the emergency shelter on their third day of waiting out the weather, and if we had not had a plane flight home in a couple of days, I might have stayed up there with them! 

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