If you educate a man you educate an individual, if you educate a woman you educate a family (nation). Dr. Kwegyir-Aggrey
Emalia Denoon, USPTO Patented Inventor, Thought Leader, Energy Coach, and mother, defies the odds. With only 13% of patents listing a female inventor and a mere 1.7% belonging to black patent holders, Emalia embodies multiple minority identities. As an immigrant, holder of a S.T.E.M. degree, patent owner, and black woman, she strives to make a difference.
Discovering her S.T.E.M. aptitude later in life, Emalia embarked on a journey to validate her skills by pursuing a Masters in Analytics. During her studies, she unraveled a connection between hair braiding, Pattern Recognition, and its application in various sciences. This braids in science connection led her to question the under-representation of blacks in S.T.E.M., considering the prevalence of plaits in the black community, which are intricate 3D models of Braid theory. Emalia's relentless pursuit for answers ignited her mission to bridge the S.T.E.M. gap. She firmly believes that the under-representation stems from misinformation and a lack of awareness rather than a lack of aptitude.
Join the Movement: Emalia's life's work revolves around increasing global S.T.E.M. representation for black through "S.T.E.M., Braids & Beyond." Together, let's revolutionize the meaning of Braids, Technology, and Pattern Recognition, empowering our community for a brighter future.