
Fine Art & Art History Education

Fine art education at St. Edward's is offered to Pre-K through 8th grade students. Within this curriculum, art history education plays a vital role in all lessons. Students are encouraged to explore, research, and learn about important art movements, famous artists, and popular artworks from our past while having the opportunity to be creative and individual in their own artwork. Students are encouraged to understand that art is a space of no mistakes and every single mark can and does have a purpose.

Fine Art education is based on New York Standards for the Arts, which are as followed:

  • (Cr) Creating - conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work
  • (Pr) Performing - realizing artistic ideas and work through interpretation and presentation
  • (Pr) Presenting - visual arts interpreting and sharing artistic work
  • (Re) Responding - understanding and evaluating how the arts convey meaning
  • (Cn) Connecting - relating artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context