St Edmunds News
Week beginning 29.1.24- 4.2.24
Headteacher's Welcome
Dear Families,
It has been another fun-packed week at school with a whole range of activities taking place finishing with Number Day today. The children looked wonderful today dressed in their outfits filled with numbers and shapes. There have been children dressed as calculators, playing cards and even dice! Thank you so much for helping your children with their outfits and thank you sincerely for your very generous donations to NSPCC, who organise Numbers Day in schools across the country each year. You can find out more about the charity and all that they do for children here: . Below you can see the children who were chosen as the best dressed in their class. Thank you very much to our Maths leaders, Mrs Fadahunsi and Mrs Nicola for all of their help in planning the day.
The week started with an assembly marking the feast day of St John Bosco, who is Year Five's class saint. You can find out more about this wonderful man below in the profile that was written by Emmanuel K in Class 5.2 and can see an excellent resemblance of what he looked like in the portrait by Miruna who is also in Class 5.2. This week's prayer is also a prayer to St John Bosco, who dedicated his life to the betterment and education of street children, juvenile delinquents, and other disadvantaged youth.
On Thursday, Key Stage 1 were treated to a wonderful assembly by Class 1.2. The children in Miss Sinclair's class told the story of 'Ruby’s Worry', which is about a girl called Ruby who ignored a worry, which got bigger and bigger until she spoke to someone about the worry and then it went away. This assembly was in line with our 'Care for Ourselves' focus this half term and was excellent preparation for Children's Mental Health Week, which takes place next week. The children acted out the story brilliantly, portraying its important message about talking to people about our worries and problems and then they sang a song called 'Won’t Worry About a Thing'. It was another excellent assembly, which can only happen with a lot of hard work in planning and preparing so well done to Miss Sinclair and the other adults who helped along the way. On a final note, thanks again to the parents who attended in their high numbers and for all of their input in helping children to prepare for the assembly.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Mr Abrahams

Students of the Week
Class 1.1: Antonella - For being an amazing role model. If ever we are not sure what we should be doing- we can look to Antonella because she will be doing the right thing!
Class 1.2: Ohene - For being so brave and standing in as an actor in our class assembly at the last minute.
Class 2.1: Kenzo - For a huge improvement in his calculation skills!
Class 2.2: Bilal - For great reading in the class assembly.
Class 3.1: Cef - For being kind and protecting the Year 1 children in the playground.
Class 3.2: Rose - For showing incredible dedication to improving her learning.
Class 4.1: Victoria.O - For an amazing start to Year 4 and having a wonderful ready-to-learn attitude. You are a wonderful addition to our class and school.
Class 4.2: Jasmine - For an outstanding Magic Box poem. Well done!
Class 5.1: Janiya - For putting effort and making excellent progress. Keep it up!
Class 5.2: Gui - For persevering in his work this week to achieve success - seeing you not let challenges take over has been really refreshing and demonstrates a mature attitude to school life - well done!
Class 6.1: Purity - For consistently putting forth her utmost effort and creating work to take pride in.
Class 6.2: Roman - For his excellent demonstration of gymnastic skills to support the staff meeting on PE.
Please find attached above informative Measles leaflets & flyers, along with the school aged children immunisation clinics contact details and available clinic dates up to, and including, the February half term. In view of the continued serious risk of measles outbreak in London, these attachments provide relevant information for you to make an informed decision and be able to contact the immunisation team, should you wish your child to be vaccinated (if required).
More information about the School Age Immunisation Service can be found here:

2024/25 Term Dates:
Please see above for the term dates for next academic year.
Parents Evenings:
You would have seen on the calendar on this email that there are Parents' Evenings in March. On Tuesday 19th March, school will close early at 1.00pm to allow for the consultations to take place that afternoon. The second evening will take place on Thursday 21st March where appointments will be available up to 7.00pm. All consultations will be face-to-face and there will also be the opportunity to look through your children's books.
Details on how to book appointments will be communicated soon.
Times Table Rockstars and Numbots:
It has been brought to my attention that there have been some issues with children accessing Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. We have now put links to these on the class pages on the school website.
Go to the home page at – click on the tab 'Children' then choose 'Year Group Pages' this will take you to the different year groups pages. On the right side of the page, you will have the year groups in order starting from Reception downwards to year 6. You can click on your child's Year Group and find the link to TTRS or Numbots and other useful information about the year group.
Alternatively, you can follow the links below:
Access to Numbots – Reception/Year 1
Click here to access the Numbots page
Numbots will ask you for the school name or postcode before your child can log in. Please enter our postcode N9 7HJ
Times Table Rockstars Login - Y2-Y6
TTRS will ask for a school name or postcode before your child can log in. Please enter our postcode N9 7HJ.
Please contact the school office if you are still having problems.
On Your Bike!
Please see the flyers below advertising free cycling lessons during half term at Raglan School.
Catholic Life
Once again, the academic year will follow the three words which make up our school motto - 'Love, Care, Share'. In order to bring the motto to life, I have divided its three words into the three terms of the school year. Therefore, our assemblies contribute towards the focus of the term, which can be seen in the diagram below. As we move into the the new term, we shall focus on 'Care for Ourselves', which will cover the upcoming Internet Safety Day and Children's Mental Health Week.
Catholic Social Teaching:
This year, St Edmund's are raising the profile of Catholic Social Teaching. According to CAFOD, Catholic social teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. It is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world. Our faith calls us to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love and peace of God.
At school, we follow the Rooted in Love programme and we will dedicate the first lesson every half term and an assembly towards the Catholic Social Teaching theme. You can see these themes below.
As you can see, the theme this half term is Solidarity and Peace. You can read more about this on our website on
Whole School Target: 95%
This Week: 95.08%
This Year: 94.76%
Class R.1: 95.29%
Class R.2: 90.17%
Class 1.1: 96.15%
Class 1.2: 95.17%
Class 2.1: 97.31%
Class 2.2: 96.54%
Class 3.1: 91.33%
Class 3.2: 95%
Class 4.1: 97.24%
Class 4.2: 93.45%
Class 5.1: 97.69%
Class 5.2: 97.04%
Class 6.1: 95.17%
Class 6.2: 94.64%
Please remember we are a NO NUT SCHOOL. This is also extended to seeds. Some members of our school community have severe allergies to nuts and seeds, and food products containing them.
Your child must not bring in any products containing nuts and seeds as a snack or as part of their packed lunch. This includes seeded bread, hummus (which contains sesame), pesto (which contains pine nuts), peanut butter and chocolate spread (which often contains nuts).
Please see below, the new school dinner menu which will rotate over three weeks for this half term.
Please remind your children of the importance of eating their lunch: mainly to ensure that they are nourished and energised for their afternoon of learning but also to teach them the importance of not wasting food.

St Edmund's Way Certificate
Last year, we launched a special certificate that can be awarded to both children and staff if they show that they are truly living ‘The St Edmund’s Way’ by going above and beyond to show they are living out our motto and displaying selflessness, love and care for others.
Childline Update:
Childline have updated their website. Take a peek at the new-look website on this link:
Social Media Safety Advice:
Next Tuesday 6th February is Inernet Safety Day. Please see the following link to find free advice for parents and carers, including the following topics:
‘Things change so fast online, it’s hard to keep up with what my child is doing.’
‘My child is asking to play a game or download an app that I don’t know about, What can I do?’
‘My child is asking for a new device and I’m not sure they’re ready for one.’
‘I’m not sure if the content my child is watching is a good influence on them; what can I do?’
‘What does an influencer do and how can they affect children’s behaviour?’
Housing Support:
Shelter is a UK charity dedicated to supporting people who are struggling with housing issues or are at risk of homelessness. They can offer one to one, personalised advice online and by telephone and free legal advice and support with court attendances should it be required.
"We (Shelter) exist to defend the right to a safe home. Because home is everything"
The link to there website is here:
If you need advice relating to benefits, housing or debt issues Citizens Advice may be able to help. You can find them here:
If you need a translator to access the advice that these services offer, just ask the person who answers the phone. Or use Google Translate to make an initial contact online, explaining that you require translation services.
Each week, we will share a guide from National Online Safety, which will give you advice about how you can keep your children safe online at home. But did you know they had an app? In preparation for Internet Safety Day, which is next Tuesday 6th February, I recommend that all parents download the app. This week, the page tells 10 ways that you can get the most out of this app:
Thought of the Week: