AI Learning Resources

Short Experiments and Demos:

Experiments with AI(Google)

Microsoft AI Demos

The Moral Machine(AI and Ethics)

Deep Dream Generator- Generate images in the style of famous paintings

AI for Younger Students(Online):

Machine Learning for Kids(UK) (free; some charges for IBM Watson may apply)

Train a ML model with drag&drop programming

On-Campus Courses

AI-4-ALL @ BU (free)

AI-4-ALL founded by Fei-Fei Li of Stanford,

Opens Doors to Artificial Intelligence for Underrepresented Talent Through Education and Mentorship

MIT Beaverworks Summer Institute (free; optional housing available at fee)

Extensive online prep courses before on-campus portion

Racecar Crash Course for Girls( 27 hours) (free)

Online Courses:

Each site offers multiple course offerings. Most courses and resources are free; some have an optional charge of about $49 if a certificate is desired.


Deep Learning.AI (Andrew Ng)

EdX AI Courses

Open CV Machine Vision Tutorials

Machine Learning Crash Course

Tensorflow: From Zero to Hero

4 short videos introducing the basics of Tensorflow

Machine Learning at Google

Deep Learning at MIT

This page is a collection of MIT courses and lectures on deep learning, deep reinforcement learning, autonomous vehicles, and artificial intelligence taught by Lex Fridman.