
What I am looking forward to this year.

I am looking forward to sports day this year. Sadly we didn't get to do sports day last year because of the coronavirus. I am also looking forward to the trip at the end of the year. I don't know if the school will close again or not.

What I like about school

I enjoy talking to my friends and hanging out with them on yard. I also enjoy Dominics Got Talent because I enjoy seeing other people show of their talents.

About Me

I enjoy playing basketball and video games. My best friends are Fionn and Adam. My favourite subject in school is maths but I need to improve on my Irish.

What I learned in School so far.

This week we went to the library to learn about World War II the girl in the diary. We also did sketches of nature around our school. We learned about Anne Frank and how she hid in the Secret Annex during World War II and how they didn't get found for so long.

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a Jewish girl that went into hiding in the Netherlands during World War II. She hid in the Secret Annex for 761 days. Nobody knows the reason how they got found. Otto Frank the father of Anne Frank was the only one that survived World War II. He published the Anne Frank's diary because she wanted to become a famous writer and he that maybe by publishing Anne Frank's diary she could become famous.

What I learned this week 25/09/20

This week we learned statistical mathematics. We drew art of the sun and moon and we also learned maths on Khan Academy. We did the fitness gran pacer test. We also did projects on different countries in the EU. I picked France. We also read the novel "War Horse".

Week 3

This week we finished learning War Horse. We drew Picasso art and we learned about the Celts in history. We did our first assembly this week. We started the waving cult. I handed in my EU project this week on Friday.

Week 4

This week was EU Code week and maths week. For maths we did figure me out and a maths maze. For EU Code week we used Microbits and watched the Dreamspace live stream. We emailed our JDO partners for the first time this week. My partners name is Ricardo. We also had to take our photos this week.


Week 5 (Mid Term Break)

During Mid Term Break I didn't do much. I was just sleeping and watching anime. I didn't do anything for Halloween.

Week 6

This week we learned about Bloody Sunday and we did art. For art we used Paper mache. For bloody sunday we did a slide about it. For English we did report writing.

Week 7

This week we had a JDO call with our partners from Spain. We did our paper mache art again this week. WE learned to divide fractions by whole numbers and non whole numbers this week.