
404 Team 6

404-6(team member).mp4

1.How many lightning flashes in a year in Taiwan?


According to statistics, in 2020 there are about 244

10,000 lightning strikes, about 1.58 million in 2019

times lightning, compared to about 161 in 2018

Thousands of lightning bolts.

2. Why is there lightning in Taiwan?
It has a huge current flow, generates a lot of energy, can generate a huge current flow, and generates heat energy at the same time, because a huge lightning air shock is generated, which is a regular lightning-like lightning shock. There is a huge potential difference between the generation of lightning and the discharge process.


Updrafts lift the droplets, making them supercool to -10 to -20 degrees Celsius. These supercooled droplets collide with ice crystals to create a soft mixture of ice and water—soft hail. These collisions make the ice crystals positively charged and the soft hail negatively charged. At this time, the updraft will continue to lift the lighter ice crystals (positively charged), and the soft hail will fall to the middle and lower layers of the cloud due to its heavier weight, causing the upper half of the cloud layer to be positively charged and the lower half of the cloud to be negatively charged. Phenomenon. This charge separation process increases the potential difference between the clouds until it is released enough to form a lightning bolt. Falling ice crystals and small water droplets are electrically polarized by the Earth's natural electric field. The ice particles in the collision are charged by electrostatic induction.


A relatively old estimate of the frequency of lightning on Earth is 100 times per second. Today, humans can use artificial satellites to detect the frequency of lightning, including observation in uninhabited places. The known record of lightning occurrences is an average of 44 ± 5 ​​times per second, and the total number of lightning flashes in the whole year is almost 1.04 billion times. .Seventy-five percent of these lightnings are cloud-to-cloud discharges (cloud-to-cloud lightning) and twenty-five percent are cloud-to-ground discharges (cloud-to-ground lightning).

Because lightning requires a medium, lightning cannot occur in a vacuum. But lightning has been detected in the atmospheres of other planets, such as Venus and Jupiter. Lightning on Jupiter is estimated to be about 100 times stronger than lightning on Earth, but it occurs only one-fifteenth as often as lightning on Earth. The exact circumstances of Venus lightning are still being debated. In the 1970s and mid-1980s, the former Soviet Union's Venus and the American Pioneer program showed that lightning was found in the upper atmosphere of Venus, but Cassini-Huygens did not find any lightning when it passed by Venus happened.