Mrs. Marshall

In this month of Mary we've been studying different Mary figures around the world as well as many special saints. The children have been enjoying learning and ask many questions about each; so we've been watching short videos to give them a greater understanding than what the book shows. They were quite interested in St. Katherine Drexel as she was from Philadelphia and is buried in Cornwells Heights! They saw real pictures of her since she is a modern day saint and one of only a few actually born in the USA.

Our essential question in Reading is How can working together help or as I say "teamwork makes the dream wok!" We are working on the idea of when you work together and not against each other, things go faster and when you put ideas together you get better results. 

The animal projects will be worked on in school this coming week and then sent home on Thurs. for them to practice and be ready to present after the holiday weekend! The more that the children have a hand in helping with research with adult supervision, makes it more of a learning venture, so please do not do all of the work for them. I have books in school and we can certainly look for more information online if needed!

Plane shapes in math and then we will begin 3-D shapes in this next unit. As we wind down the year, we are getting ready for exams soon too, and will have study guides for math to help them with all that we've covered. 

Love and Peace,

Mrs. Marshall

We are always in need of classroom items, so if you are interested in helping, click the link below and take a look at some wish list items I have on Amazon...

First Grade Supply List 2022-23


Grading system:  O=Outstanding, VG=Very Good, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, I=Improvement Needed, U=Unsatisfactory

Special Schedule 


Tuesday- Fine Arts



Absent notes are a MUST, so  please make sure to send one in when your child is absent. If it is 3 or more days consecutively and NOT a family trip, they MUST have a note for a doctor! 

Please practice tying shoes; many of the boys and girls still do not know how to do this and it is really important for safety and part of their uniform! There are some really interesting tutorials on Youtube that might help if your child has had difficulty!