Deutsch 3/4/5


German 3, 4 and 5 are combined into one upper level class. Topics and grammar are cycled so you get a chance to practice grammar and vocabulary while learning about new topics each year. The topics below may be covered any time over the course of three levels of German though typically we cover 5-6 topics each year. At the end of German 4 or 5 students will be able to test for the Seal of Biliteracy which is an extra endorsement on your diploma and is accepted for college credit at some universities.


In this unit we'll look at some of the oldest stories in German culture: epic sagas of heroes, gods and goddesses and of course dragons!

What do you want to be when you grow up? What is the path to your dream job?

In this unit we'll learn about the environment and efforts to make our world sustainable.

Oh the places you'll go! We'll learn about all the places we can go, how to get there, where to stay and what to do when we get there.

German culture is diverse and ever-changing. We'll learn about the world that young people today live in and how connected it is to the world.

The USA has many people with German heritage. Why did they come, how did they contribute to the country, how is their influence still present today?

What's happening in Germany today? In this unit we'll take a look at news and social media from German-speaking countries.

Art, music, theater, film: Germany has them all! In this unit we'll learn about the arts in German culture in the past and today.

You may have seen the movie of Cinderella but in this unit we'll learn all about the real history of fairy tales and their place in Western culture.

Germany has long been on the cutting edge of science and technology. In this unit we'll take STEM and give it a German twist: MINT (Mathematik, Ingenieur, Naturwissenschaft, Technik)

So what has Germany been up to over the last few thousand years? In this unit you'll learn the history of the German-speaking people and lands.


Duolingo: Free online language learning app

Goethe Institut: If you want to really improve your German, take a look at some of the intensive courses (in the US and Germany) through this international organization

Deutsche Welle (DW): this is a news and media organization that creates videos and resources for German language learners

Studying in Germany: interested in taking your German for a whole new level? Consider going to college in Germany.