Minimum Standards Testing Locked Down Browser

Students in Year 12 will require the installation of a ‘locked down browser’ to complete Minimum Standards Testing. This browser is required to ensure the security and integrity of the testing platform. ALL STUDENTS IN YEAR 12 UNDERTAKING MINIMUM STANDARDS TESTING MUST HAVE THE LOCKED DOWN BROWSER INSTALLED ON THEIR LAPTOPS PRIOR TO UNDERTAKING THE TESTS

Year 12 students will need to be familiar with opening the Locked Down Browser before test days. If you have previously installed the locked down browser, installing the latest version will automatically upgrade your version.

All steps below MUST be completed. The estimated time for the download, install and test is only 5 -10 minutes.

  1. DOWNLOAD the Locked Down Browser appropriate for your laptop from here:

  2. INSTALL the downloaded program

  3. OPEN the Locked Down Browser, to verify you can open the program

  4. TEST using the test menu option, including sound with headphones


If you have any problems installing the Locked Down Browser, please see the I.T department in the Library or send an email to

Windows Installation Tutorial

Windows Locked Down Browser Installation.mp4

Mac OS Installation Tutorial

MacOS Locked Down Browser Installation.mp4

On test days:

  • Students devices must have a full charge, to last the duration of the test.

  • Students must set their headphone volume level before starting the Locked Down Browser

  • Students must connect their laptop to the school wifi and confirm they can access a public website, such as before starting the Locked Down Browser