Excel Training Videos

Excel self-paced videos to help you begin learning the basics of Excel and beyond.

Excel 2021 Beginner Tutorial

Exercise Files: https://bit.ly/3xZKDiw

Who it's for: Beginners - experienced, everyday users looking to sharpen their skills and increase efficiency in Microsoft Excel.

What it is: Microsoft’s spreadsheet application used to clean and organize data.

What you'll learn: We start with the basics, showing you the user interface and quick ways to navigate. Once you’re comfortable with the software’s layout, we quickly move on to calculating data with basic formulas and functions. In the Intermediate section, we show you the various tools and ways to sort and filter data in a timely manner. Then, we dive into one of Excel’s most popular features; the Pivot Table. Our Advanced training starts with basic functions like the IF function. After that, we explore complex Database functions, provide an introduction to Macros, and show you how to save time by automating common Excel tasks.

Excel 2021 VBA Advanced Tutorial

Exercise Files: https://learnitanytime.com/p/exercise

Who it's for: Business Analysts, Data Scientists, and everyone in between looking to write their own rulebook on what’s possible in Excel.

What it is: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the programming language for Excel and other Microsoft Office programs. VBA is used to automate repetitive processes and frequent actions. Even more, it can be used to build tools that otherwise don’t exist in Excel.

What you'll learn: In this 4-part series, we start with an overview of VBA and its advantages over recording macros in the Excel interface. We'll record a macro, which produces VBA code in the background, and learn the Visual Basic editor environment before editing the code generated by our macro.

Excel 2021 VBA Intermediate Tutorial

Exercise Files: https://learnitanytime.com/p/exercise

Who it's for: Business Analysts, Data Scientists, and everyone in between looking to write their own rulebook on what’s possible in Excel. 

What it is: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the programming language for Excel and other Microsoft Office programs. VBA is used to automate repetitive processes and frequent actions. Even more, it can be used to build tools that otherwise don’t exist in Excel.

What you'll learn: What you'll learn: In this 4-part series, we start with an overview of VBA and its advantages over recording macros in the Excel interface. We'll record a macro, which produces VBA code in the background, and learn the Visual Basic editor environment before editing the code generated by our macro. Pivot tables are also a focus.

Excel 2021 VBA Expert Tutorial

Exercise Files: https://learnitanytime.com/p/exercise

Who it's for: Business Analysts, Data Scientists, and everyone in between looking to write their own rulebook on what’s possible in Excel.

What it is: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the programming language for Excel and other Microsoft Office programs. VBA is used to automate repetitive processes and frequent actions. Even more, it can be used to build tools that otherwise don’t exist in Excel.

What you'll learn: In this 4-part series, we start with an overview of VBA and its advantages over recording macros in the Excel interface. We'll record a macro, which produces VBA code in the background, and learn the Visual Basic editor environment before editing the code generated by our macro.