Religious Education at St Bernadette

RE in the EYFS

RE in KS1

RE in KS2

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RE across the School

Learning about the creation story in RE. They created their own art display to help them be able to retell the story! 

Creation Homework Projects

Nursery Learning all about Creation through play

Kingdom of God

Year 1 Creation Song.MOV

Year 3 visit to chantry island - St Alban

The Last Supper - Reception

Judaism for schools

Ruth from #JudaismForSchools visited the school to teach the children all about Judaism. She brought along some religious artefacts for the children to look at and touch. We also tried #ChallahBread . A very enjoyable workshop. 

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

Year 4 and 5 enjoyed their visit to BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir to learn about Hinduism and get a first-hand experience of the Hindu faith in practice. 

Feast Day of St. Bernadette

Sermon on the Mount
