St Bernadette Catholic Primary School
Message from the
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have reached the end of September already, it's hard to believe how fast the first half term has gone. The children have settled in beautifully and are already making excellent progress across all areas of the curriculum. The attitude they are showing towards school life can only be described as impeccable, we are very proud.
Thank you to Fr Kevin who joined us on Monday morning to celebrate mass and bless the community for the school year ahead. It was a truly lovely mass where as always the children led on the prayers and singing with great enthusiasm.
On Wednesday, we held our special welcome assembly for the new families and children that have joined us in reception. The year 6 shared their wishes and dreams for their buddies and we let these off into the sky, for God to keep safe. Thank you to the huge number of parents who joined us for this assembly, it was truly lovely.
This week, we also welcomed our RE advisor, from the Diocese of Westminster, Tony Hall. Mr Hall was with us all day on Tuesday. Along with the myself, Mrs Reilly and Mrs Wright , our RE lead, he visited all the classes to observe class teaching and worship. He was blown away by the behaviour and engagement from the children in every class. The teaching he observed was engaging and supportive of all needs within the class and the presentation and volume of work the children are presenting in their books is excellent. A truly positive start to an already great term.
This years Harvest celebration will be held on Monday 16th October at 1.30pm. Parents are welcome to join us as each class will perform a harvest themed song. Please see the list of harvest goods that we would like to gather before this for the local foodbank.
The first parent coffee afternoon of the year will be held on Monday 9th October at 2.45pm. Please log onto Arbor to inform us of your attendance and anything you would like to discuss.
We would like to wish you a lovely weekend and look forward to welcoming you to school at the upcoming events.
Sadly, we would like to inform you all of the sudden passing of a member of our school community. This week, we sadly lost Mr Wilson, the father of one of our Year 5 children. Mr Wilson was a special part of our school community, always wearing a huge smile and such a fantastic support to his children. He will be greatly missed by the St. Bernadette school community. Please join us in keeping the children and the Wilson family in your prayers.
Kind regards
Mrs Lavelle-Murphy & Mrs Reilly
Harvest Donations
The local food bank has asked that we support their Harvest collection this year to support the families who need it the most in our community.
This year they have specifically asked for:
Tin Soups / Big Soups
Spaghetti / Macaroni Cheese
Cooking / Pasta Sauces
Tinned fruit / Puddings
Fruit Squash (orange/ lemon/ blackcurrant)
Sugar/flour/Olive oil
Tinned meat & fish
Loo rolls
Please could any donations be brought into school by Friday 13th October. These can be donated through the school office or the children can bring them into their classrooms. Thank you very much for your ongoing support. More information on the local food bank can be found at:
The Great St Bernadette Readathon
In the Summer Term, the children took part in a sponsored reading event over May half term. The kind donations and extra free donations from Usborne books have enabled us to buy a wonderful range of PSHE and topic books for our class libraries.
Thank you to Mrs Smith for 25 Years of Service at St.Bernadette
This week on Thursday, marked 25 years for Mrs Smith working at our school. We celebrated as a community all together to thank Mrs Smith for all her hard work. She has supported countless amounts of children and families over the years and we really appreciate how lucky we are to have you as part of our St. Bernadette Family!
Snapchat is a popular social media messaging app that allows you to send and receive pictures and videos (called a Snap) to users. Like many other social networks, the minimum age to use Snapchat is 13 years old. We are aware that some children are using the App outside of school. Below is further information to keep you as parents informed:
Roll of Honour - 22.9.23
Roll of Honour - 29.9.23
School Council - Years 1 - 5
School Council - Years 6 Roles
Sport Ambassadors
Health Ambassadors
Hospitality Ambassadors
Press Officers
Eco Ambassadors
House Captains