St Bernadette Catholic Primary School
Message from the
Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy Friday! We hope the sun will make more of an appearance over the weekend and Spring will finally make an appearance. The children have had yet another busy couple of weeks at school. Various D&T projects, a missing Goldilocks, a Shakespearean tragedy and a wonderful assembly presented by year 4 on the Victorians. Thank you to those parents who joined us for the year 4 assembly, I can only imagine how proud you all were of the children's efforts.
Academy update
Disappointingly there has been a further delay in the academy conversion. The conversion will still go ahead but due to delays with the various services involved, will now not be until 1st June 2024. We will continue to keep you posted on this matter.
Future dates for your diary
7th May (2.45pm) - Parent Coffee Afternoon
9th May (10.00am) - Ascension mass at Our Lady of Walsingham church
Week of the 13th May - Year 6 SATS Assessments
13th May - Year 5 SPEC Trip Information Meeting 2.45pm
Week of the 20th May - Whole School Assessment week / Year 6 Trip to the Isle of Wight
23rd May ( 9.05am) - SEN Coffee Morning
Half Term - 27th May - 31st May
3rd June - School closed - Staff INSET Day
4th June - 7th June - Sports Week
7th June - Sports Day
EYFS (Nursery and Reception) 9:00am-10:15am
KS1 (Year 1 and Year 2) 10:30am-11:45am
KS2 (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6) 1:00pm-3:00pm
Kind regards
Mrs Lavelle-Murphy & Mrs Reilly
Alleluia – it is the Easter Season!
The Easter Season (Eastertide) or Paschal Season, is a liturgical period that begins on Easter Sunday and lasts for fifty days, concluding with the feast of Pentecost. It is one of the most significant seasons in our liturgical calendar. Throughout the Easter Season, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and reflect on the implications of this event for our faith and lives. It should be a time of joy, renewal, and spiritual growth, marked by special liturgies and traditions that emphasise the victory of Christ oversin and death. The Easter Season culminating in the celebration of Pentecost, which commemorates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the beginning of the Church. We hope this Easter Season is a time of joy and spiritual renewal for your school community.
Book Fundraiser!
This year, we have introduced a new initiative to support and promote a love of reading and to instil a culture of reading for please- “100 Books to Read Before you Leave St B”. The focus of this challenge is to encourage the children to read for pleasure. We would like to be able to raise money to buy copies of all these books so that the children can take them home to read, and we would also like to provide the children with extra opportunities to read in school. Therefore, we are looking at purchasing “Reading sheds” that can be put in the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 playgrounds. Inside these sheds, we would store the 100 books along with picnic blankets and cushions, so that the children are encouraged to read during break times and to create an excitement around reading.
We would be looking to purchase 2 of these sheds, with an approximate cost of around £1000. To then fill these sheds with the 100 books, it is estimated that 100 books would cost around £400.
If you are able to make a donation, please do so at:
Scan the QR code to make a donation using a smartphone.
100 Books to read before you leave St.B
Congratulations, to Sofia in Year 1 for achieving the Bronze Award in our "100 Books to Read Before You Leave St B" Challenge! Sofia has read 25 books and completed a book review for each one. Sofia received a special sticker, certificate and a merit for her achievement, and has now joined Francesca from Year 1 in the Wall of Fame in our Library! Will you be the next person to join the Wall of Fame?
Turning disability into possibility!
Today we were inspired by a fantastic assembly delivered by Bart Gee! We were in awe of Bart's perseverance and resilience and now feel inspired to take on our own challenges as everything is POSSIBLE!
You can learn more about Bart Gee and all his achievements at: Bart Gee
Governor Recruitment
St Bernadette Catholic Primary School is currently seeking to recruit Governors to ensure high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school by setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction; holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
This is an exciting opportunity to support our school community and play a role in a vibrant and collaborative Trust that is in the process of expansion and development. The role of Governor is incredibly rewarding and the benefits include:
Professional development
Supporting the local and wider Catholic community
Gaining insight into the Education Sector
Management & Leadership experience
Being able to have a significant impact on the Schools in the Trust
Build your professional and personal network
For more information please visit our website St Bernadette Catholic Primary School - Governor Vacancies and to register your interest please contact or complete the online register of interest form on the ASCAT Website
In order to keep families updated on SEN news and updates we are introducing a SEND section to our school newsletters. Mrs Alger, our SENCo, will provide any news or updates, particularly signposting to courses and organisations.
Free online emotional wellbeing/mental health workshops for young people
Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (HCT) Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners regularly run a variety of workshops focused on children and young people's emotional wellbeing and mental health. Some workshops are for the parents/carers of primary school aged children and others are directed at adolescents although parents can also attend these. The workshops aim to provide support, guidance, some strategies and tips to try to improve children and young people's mental health.
The workshops are free to attend and currently take place on Microsoft Teams. The workshops available can be found on the Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners Eventbrite page, where you can also find out more information about what the workshop will cover and book a place.
The service has also produced a two-part recorded webinar to help with anxiety about going to school. Please take a look at the links below:
1. Theory and Psychoeducation (just under 18 minutes long)
2. Strategies and Tips (just over 30 minutes long)
NESSie's NEW program- My World and Me
This is a 12-week group programme for children and young people aged 7-16 years who live in Hertfordshire.
Please find attached a flyer detailing the dates on which these groups are to be held, please see link below for additional information re the programme.
Roll of Honour - 19.04.24
Roll of Honour - 26.04.24
Nursery and Reception
Year 1 and Year 2
Year 3,4,5 and Year 6