Mrs. Stacey DePalma's

Fifth Grade Class

About the Teacher

NAME: Stacey DePalma

SCHOOL: St. Bartholomew

CLASS: 5-204

SCHOOL PHONE: 732-254-7105

My Email:

Hello!  I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself to you.  My name is Stacey DePalma and I am so excited to teach fifth grade for my 8th year here at St. Bartholomew School!  I attended Rutgers University where I received my BA in Elementary Education and Sociology. I completed graduate coursework in Reading Specialization from Kean University.  In addition, I completed 11 Professional Development courses from Saint Peter’s University. 

For fun, I enjoy going to the beach and reading books.  My favorite color is pink.  My favorite season is summer.  My favorite holiday is Christmas. My favorite food is pasta.  My favorite movie is Jurassic World.  My favorite book is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. My favorite sports are cheerleading, lacrosse,  and ice hockey.

It is truly an honor to be part of the Saint Bartholomew School family.  I am looking forward to having a fun-filled and exciting year with my fifth grade students.  Please feel free to contact me at any time!  I welcome partnership and collaboration.

*Time* Effort* Planning* Organization* Support* Encouragement* Fun* = SUCCESS

Teaching Philosophy

" Inside Every Great Teacher there is an even better one waiting to come out." ~ Harry Wong

 At the end of each year I like to reflect on me teaching experiences. I have realized that my ideas about teaching and learning grow year after year.  As a result, I believe it is imperative for me to continuously learn and incorporate new teaching methods and strategies into my classroom curriculum, so that I meet the needs of a very diverse group of students.

I also strive to cultivate a passion for learning in my students so that they become life-long learners. I believe it is essential to use humor and show compassion throughout every given day. I foster an emotionally supportive environment where my students feel comfortable taking risks.

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude of mind." ~William James

I always have high expectations for all of my students. I feel that my expectations of students will greatly influence their achievement in my class and in their lives. I want my students to know "they can be ANYTHING they want to be."

I believe it is essential for me to create an atmosphere that fosters acceptance and tolerance. Exposing children to other cultures will not only help them realize how wonderful their own country is, but they will also learn to appreciate other culture's customs and traditions. I feel this ideal is a necessity for children to have, so that they will grow to be effective and compassionate members of society.

Effective teachers make a difference in the lives of their students. I feel that teaching is a privilege. I love going to school every day. My goal is to have every one of my students share that love every single day, too.

The mission of Saint Bartholomew School is to love, educate, and inspire our children to live the teachings of Jesus Christ.