Advice for Parents


In circumstances where a student is in self-isolation, work will be set through the Satchel: One (SMHW) platform. Where possible, this will include invitations to join lessons that are taking place via Microsoft Teams.

To assist parents in supporting students, the following guidance may be helpful. Please be assured that we are very conscious that these are very challenging times and parents will be juggling many different priorities. In these circumstances, we recognise that it may, of course, be difficult to follow all these suggestions.

- familiarise yourself with the procedures and protocols that we have established for setting and sharing work during lockdown at: There is a page on student routines. Please be aware that there are various training videos for students.

- support students in maintaining good morning routines, with students ready for learning, dressed and breakfasted.

- where students are invited to join a lesson via Teams, while we will not routinely be using a ‘cameras on’ approach, in circumstances where teachers look for students to make use of their cameras, it is essential that students are appropriately dressed.

- help students to prepare for their day by checking Satchel: One (SMHW)

- at least in the early days, until routines are established, please try to support students in accessing lessons, and report any technical issues via this form. Please note it is possible for students to join an empty Teams lesson in advance of the start to check that connections are all fine. Once reassured, students can drop out and then re-join at the appointed time.

- please remind students that they should not be recording any ‘live’ sessions. Where a teacher feels a recording would be helpful, they will make a recording available to students.

- where possible, encourage students to work within the normal school day, breaking for lunch but not postponing the completion of tasks until the evening.

- share any concerns about students’ wellbeing with the Tutor and House. Please refer to this page for all contact details

- to ensure that we do not breach safeguarding protocols, it is very important that while a live lesson is underway, parents are not directly viewing the screen. We would suggest it is good practice for a student to be left to participate in the lesson without parental supervision.