UK Parties

Topic Checklist & Revision Resources:

Political Parties Checklist.docx

Ideas of the main parties

What is a political party introduction.pptx
The Liberal Democrats.pptx
The Labour Party.pptx
Lib Dem worksheet.pptx
Rishi Sunak politics.docx
What does Keir Starmer stand for.pdf
Liz Truss era.docx
Fall and rise of Labour.pdf

Structures and functions of the main parties

manifestos and mandates.pptx
mandates and manifestos worksheet and info.pptx
Conservative leadership election 2022.pdf
Electing (and ejecting) party leaders.pdf

Debates around party funding

Scandal print outs.pptx
Party funding worksheet.pptx

Media, voting behaviour, outcomes

The impact of the media.pptx
Media influence on UK politics Nov 22.pdf
The Influence of the media in UK politics.pdf
The media and voting behaviour.pdf
Voting Behaviour.pptx
Voting behaviour in the UK - The 2019 general election.pdf

minor parties, party systems

Have the minor parties reshaped UK Politics.pdf
party systems a3.pptx
party systems.pptx