Welcome to SCS Family Focus!

Education is an important partnership - now more than ever, as we unite in learning for our students. We value the supportive role of families and will use this site to provide resources, network together around a common purpose (education), and learn from each other!

The short videos below are intended to explain the different models and modes of learning students and families will experience for the 2020-2021 school year. For more information, please feel free to reach out to your school, your child's teacher, or Central Office staff.

This video and presentation explain what to expect in the virtual learning model in Staunton City Schools and includes helpful tips for preparing for this model of learning.

Common Learning Platforms

We will be using common technology across the division to make navigation easier for students and families. Please check out the videos featured below that explain more about the programs. Each of our schools have played an active role in sharing the featured programs. For specific questions about programs, please contact your child's teacher.

Teachers will use Zoom or Google Meet to interact with students for interactive lessons. This short video helps explain how to set up the platform and some helpful tips for students and families.

Teachers and students in grades K-2 will be using Seesaw as a digital resource and portfolio to share student work. This platform is relatively easy for young learners to navigate. This short video helps give an example of how students may use this tool. (Students and families will need to download the SeeSaw app to access their class. The Family app allows parents to see student work. More information will come from your student's teacher.)

Teachers and students in grades 3-12 will be using mostly Google Classroom as a way to access learning resources and materials. This short video helps explain features of the program. Most students in these grades will use this system to share their work with the teacher.

The Remind App is a way for teachers and families to communicate with one another. This short video includes a brief overview of the program. This linked screenshot shows an example of what messages may look like for families.

Teachers and students in grades 3-12 will be using mostly Google Classroom as a way to access learning resources and materials. This short video helps explain features of the program. Most students in these grades will use this system to share their work with the teacher.

For questions about this site, please contact Stephanie Haskins at shaskins@staunton.k12.va.us or at (540) 332-3920.