Phillipsburg VS Easton Bottle Cap Competition

Pburg and Easton National Honors Societies Have Teamed Up to Create Yet Another Turkey Day Tradition!

#22: Bobby Coury
#7: Robby Martin

Both communities will compete to see who can collect the most bottle caps by Turkey Day! The winner will be announced at Fisher Field and collection stops the 25th at the PowderPuff game! Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get capping and beat Easton!


Collect Caps At Your Event!

Print out one of our flyers and tape it to a box to collect caps at your business, workplace, or event! Caps collected can then be dropped off outside the PHS community entrance or the School Store table at PHS Varsity football games to be sorted! Take a picture of your group with your collection box for a chance to be featured on this webpage! Let's Beat Easton!