Winter 2018

The Real Estate News

Colorado Divison of Real Estate

Division Meetings and Events Calendar

Sign up for a webcast

The Division of Real Estate makes an effort to have all public meetings live for the public by signing up for a webcast.

Find the meeting or event you want to attend on the calendar, click on the "more details" and follow the directions to sign up for the webcast.

In the



Beginning in February 2018, a random selection of Community Association Managers (CAMs) will receive an e-mail notification that their Colorado continuing education compliance for the license period from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 is being audited.

The Division of Real Estate, in compliance with Senate Bill 14-063 (§24-4-103.3, C.R.S.), is required to give public notice on its website for its review of existing rules and provide an opportunity for public comment on any proposed rule changes.

As a result of SB17-215 (Concerning the Continuation Under the Sunset Law of the Division of Real Estate), a real estate broker license will now be renewed on or before December 31 of every third (3rd) year after issuance.

We continue to receive complaints about how real estate brokers advertise their services or the properties they have listed. Specifically, the Real Estate Commission (the “Commission”) continues to receive complaints about real estate brokers who don’t include the name of the brokerage firm with which the broker is licensed on their advertisements, particularly on the marketing materials for listed properties.

Throughout the year each program at the Division of Real Estate goes through rule changes, application reviews, renewals and other related activities affecting both licensees and the consumer.

Have you ever heard of an emotional assistance iguana or therapy snake? Neither have many board members, which makes it very difficult for them to believe these requests are legitimate. Given the current trends, it is highly likely that you, as a community association manager (“CAM”), will get a request for one these at least once in your career.

The Division is seeing certain trends in real estate complaints of which the vast majority result from the brokerage community’s unfamiliarity with License Law and Commission Rules. These complaints reveal a variety of different violations on the part of the brokers; however, some issues seem to occur with greater frequency.

Quarterly Discipline

Viewing the spreadsheet

Program Tabs

  • Find the program you want to view by toggling through the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

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  • To view the spreadsheet below on its own browser tab click on the “Pop-out” button in the top right corner of the spreadsheet.

The following list of disciplinary records is only representative of discipline issued by the Colorado Real Estate Commission for the year of 2017. This list should not be considered a complete history of discipline for a licensee. To obtain a complete disciplinary history for a specific licensee please visit the Division's Records Management System and search a licensee’s personal record by name or license number.

2017 Division of Real Estate Disciplinary Actions