Job Seeker Services
Interested in a career transition? START HERE
Workforce Centers provide a variety of free services that support our goal of connecting you to the best possible job out there. Services include providing computer and internet access for job-search activities, assistance in updating or creating resumes, interview practice, job search strategies, career counseling, training opportunities and connections to a larger job pool.
Workforce Center staff provide personalized, expert support for your job search and career development journey.
Contact your local Workforce Center today, and let us help you find the next step on a career path you'll love.
Apprenticeships provide individuals the opportunity to obtain knowledge, education, experience, training and other valuable skills to prepare them for a career in their chosen industry. Individuals who participate in an apprenticeship program receive hands-on career training while earning a paycheck, reducing their need to take on debt while working toward their future career. Whether you are just starting a new career or are looking for a change, an apprenticeship can help you find a well-paying job while gaining hands-on experience. For more information about apprenticeships contact your local Workforce Center.
Career Coaching
Our highly trained career coaches are here to connect you with a great job and a career you love. Our services include:
Creating a career portfolio
Skill assessments
Training opportunities
Job search assistance
Résumé creation
Interview preparation
Career planning
Interest assessments
Work-based learning opportunities
Training & Education
Workforce Centers help their clients prepare for employment, find and keep a job and upskill to increase their earnings through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), a taxpayer funded federal program.
Workforce Centers provide funding and supporting services for qualifying clients in need of short-term training/education that leads to an in-demand job in the local labor market. These programs can take the form of classroom learning, online courses on-the-job training, internships or apprenticeships.
To learn more about WIOA and program eligibility, contact your local Workforce Center.
Program components:
Job leads and labor market information
Résumé preparation and review
Education and career assessments
Employment readiness
Career planning
Supportive services
Intensive job search assistance
Training for in-demand jobs
Unemployment Services
Workforce Centers do not handle unemployment claims. For all unemployment-related questions, please contact the Unemployment Division of the Colorado Department of Labor & Employment by calling 303.318.9000 or click the link below. Workforce Centers are able to assist with re-employment services, including the requirement that those receiving unemployment be registered in Connecting Colorado. We can also support you in completing work search activities required for those collecting unemployment, and are here to help you on the path toward a new job or a new career.
Veterans who have served at least one day of active duty receive Priority of Service in Workforce Centers and have the opportunity to work with highly skilled staff to find a job that maximizes their potential. Veterans receive the first notice of all job listings and get priority access to job fairs and events. Employment specialists assist veterans, transitioning service members, and eligible spouses facing significant barriers to employment with specialized job-seeking services and training opportunities.
Work-based Learning
Colorado’s labor market is evolving faster than ever. Students and job seekers are engaging in learning experiences to help them develop advanced and adaptable skill sets that are necessary to compete in the complex global marketplace. While not a new strategy, work-based learning is one way education and training systems are partnering with business to ensure that students have the skills and career exposure needed to build pathways to meaningful careers. Contact your local workforce center to inquire about work-based learning and on-the-job training opportunities in your area. Businesses interested in learning about the benefits of providing work-based learning opportunities are encouraged to contact their local business services representative.
Youth Services
Young adults between the ages of 14 and 24 who are motivated and need to learn job readiness and occupational skills may be eligible for assistance through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth program. Youth program participants work with a career coach to create a plan for success, including supplementing their reading and math skills. Youth clients are also eligible to participate in the Summer Job Hunt. This is a free referral service for young adults and employers. Other employment and educational opportunities may be available for qualified youth.
Job Seeker Workshops and Slide Decks
Our highly skilled employment specialists offer weekly live, virtual workshops. Register for a live workshop from your Connecting Colorado account. Preview the workshop slide decks below.
*NOTE: Work search activity credit is only available by attending live workshops, NOT viewing a workshop slide deck.
Don't know where to start? We can help navigate job boards, bolster your online presence, identify great opportunities, and prepare you for success.
Learn how Colorado Workforce Centers can support you in reaching your employment goals through education, training and supporting services.
Ace your next interview. Practice answering common interview questions and create a "dos and don'ts" checklist that will help you make a great impression and land your next job.
Learn the different resume options available and how to use a job description to write your resume and cover letter for you. This will take you through the steps to create your own resume and cover letter and includes tips and best practices on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and communicating with the employer during the application process.
Portfolios are not just for artists and designers. A professional portfolio gives every job seeker a competitive advantage. Learn to create a portfolio that showcases your skills, education, and accomplishments for potential employers.
What do today's employers want? Strong communication, teamwork, and emotional intelligence are among the skills businesses rank as critical. This workshop will enhance your essential skills and increase your value to employers.
A professional, updated online presence gets you noticed by businesses and shows you have some of the technical skills today's employers are seeking. Learn how to create a LinkedIn profile or update an existing profile for ideal networking and job placement.
There are many things to consider when exploring remote work opportunities. Learn the pros and cons of working from home and how to find remote work opportunities, be productive without direct supervision and avoid scams and pay-to-work requirements.
Enhance your marketability and avoid the pitfalls of entering (or re-entering) the job market after 50. Our Workforce Center employment specialists are skilled in coaching those over 50 in their job search.
Communication Skills in the Workplace
Communication skills are essential to your success on the job. From your first interview to your latest promotion, strong communications skills are key to getting ahead and creating a productive work environment. In this workshop, you will learn several strategies you can start using immediately to build this critical skill in all aspects of your life.
Lost your job? This workshop is a collaborative effort delivered by the Northwest Colorado Workforce Center's job seeker workshop team. It is designed to help increase your resilience in tough times with a focus on job loss recovery.
This slide deck takes you through an online portfolio page by page to give you an idea of how you might create your own online career portfolio. To find out more about portfolios or to watch an online portfolio presentation register for the Portfolio I and II workshops.
Learn how to create allies in the workplace.
There are 9 common problems that may be an issue when searching for work. Could it be your confidence is shot, are you relying on online applications, does your resume need to be revamped, or could it be your LinkedIn profile? Find out what these issues might be and how to work towards changing the outcome.