State Parks NatureFinder Project

To join the State Parks NatureFinder Project, simply search for it under the Projects tab, then tap "Join".

The State Parks NatureFinder project seeks to record and display the biodiversity of State Parks in Colorado and provides visitors, volunteers, and staff the opportunity to assist in monitoring the ecological integrity of our parks. Resource Stewardship uses the data collected from this project to create management plans for endangered or threatened species, as well as invasive species that are discovered in State Parks.

The most recent observations made within Colorado's State Parks are shown on the left, check them out!

Tips for good photos: When photographing plants, take pictures of leaves, stems or trunks, and any fruits or flowers to help you identify the correct species. Use your hand or a shoe for size reference and placing your hand behind the leaf, flower, or fruit can help focus the photograph better. When you spot an animal, take a picture from a distance and as you slowly move closer continue to take photos with greater detail. This will allow you to at least get a photo in case the animal leaves and also capture the habitat where you spotted the animal. And remember, be safe and have fun!

State Parks NatureFinder Terms and Rules

• Remember to always be respectful of wildlife and keep these viewing and photography guidelines in mind. By following these guidelines you are helping promote conservation of wildlife and their habitats, as well as the safety of yourself and others!

• Wildlife should be viewed/photographed from a safe and respectful distance.

• Use binoculars, spotting scopes, zoom lenses, and viewing blinds to avoid disturbing species.

Avoid getting close to nests or dens – your presence can disturb breeding and alert predators to nest/den locations.

•Never publicly post locations of nests/dens.

•Stay on trails and roads, tread lightly, and leave plants and animals where you find them.

•Do not use recorded animal calls while viewing or photographing wildlife.

•If an animal shows any sign of stress, move away.

•Keep pets on leash at all times.

•Do not feed wildlife.