Silver Partner

Three Barrel Brewing Co.

Silver Partner

Del Norte, CO

Three Barrel Brewing is located in Del Norte, Colorado. Its facility contains a 15-barrel brew house and restaurant. Environmental efforts in place at Three Barrel Brewing include:

Responsible Energy & Greenhouse Gas Reduction

    • Renewable Energy Source - installation of a solar PV panel.

    • Installed LED lighting, high-efficiency tankless water heaters, energy efficient wall furnaces and chillers; and upgraded the walk-in cooler.

Waste Minimization & Diversion

    • Divert waste to the landfill through recycling.

    • Send spent grains to local farmers as animal feed.

    • Outdoor furniture was made from repurposed ski equipment.

Water Conservation & Quality

    • Installed an automated clean-in-place (CIP) line and put aerators on faucets.

    • Reuse water to chill wort for brewing/cleaning.

Corporate Social Responsibility

    • Sponsored Earth Day with the local Chamber and schools.

    • Donated beer proceeds for Trout Habitat; and supported non-profits by donating goods and money and working on the RioGrande River Front River Project.