


The Disability Affinity Space provides a welcoming and supportive place for new and current CDLE employees with disabilities. The group also provides recommendations on how to make CDLE a more welcoming place for staff with disabilities. This group is composed of passionate changemakers who desire to increase accessibility and inclusion at CDLE. We welcome all employees with disabilities who desire to learn, empower, and help bridge the gap between ability and disability.

MaryAnn Migliorelli sitting on a bench with her service dog

MaryAnn Migliorelli, Unemployment Insurance

“The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment has invested much in my success as an employee who is totally blind. I know that my work is highly valued and that I am respected for what I bring to my team.” 

Jennifer Scilacci pictured outside in the UT desert with her two dogs

Jennifer Scilacci, Division of Vocational Rehabiliation

“CDLE is committed to a welcoming, equitable and inclusive workplace. As a person with multiple hidden disabilities, my supervisors have all been willing to adapt and embrace the accommodations I need to be fully successful.” 

“When you come to CDLE as a person with a disability, you come to a work family that will welcome and support you throughout your career journey. The CDLE family supports you and your individual needs through disability preference in the hiring process (who else does THAT???), accommodations custom crafted to your work and personal life, and people who make a true effort to understand and embrace the disability community.” 

- Steve, Disability Affinity Team member 

This is a Youtube video members from the Disability Affinity Team in CDLE created, sharing what disability inclusion means to them.