Welcome to our new newsletter

If you're reading this, you are currently in the midst of exploring the first of many Colorado Dental Board newsletters that will be sent to our licensed practitioners every three months. These quarterly publications will have some standard elements - such as this Chair's Corner, Breaking News, which will include important changes to rule and law, a "hot-button topic" that should be germane to the audience reading this publication, and more.

In my inaugural "Word of Mouth" column, available by clicking on the link below, I will be touching upon the importance of diligent and legible documentation in record-keeping and the imperative nature of maintaining accuracy in patient charts. Your professional documentation needs to create a medical story about the patient during a procedure. And I'll provide a dozen elements that dentists should consider to create clear and concise notes that any other dental professional will be able to understand and, if needed, act upon for future treatment.


Dr. Thomas Pyne


Providing superlative patient care based upon numerous core themes

Dr. Vidhya Sampath explores some of the numerous building blocks she extols in order to provide the foundation of superlative care. Some of her tenets include: teamwork in the dental office; respecting the patient's values, expectations and goals; informing and educating the patient on the diagnosis and related treatment plan; customizing and individualizing the treatment plan according to the chief complaint and patient concerns for success; using technology wisely and to educate; providing access to care; involving family and friends, and offering a clean and safe treatment environment.

Guidelines for prescribing, dispensing opioids adopted

The revised Guidelines for Prescribing and Dispensing Opioids were adopted by all six of Colorado's prescribing and dispensing Boards. As of March 16, the policy is in place for the Dental, Medical, Nursing, Optometry, Podiatry, Pharmacy and Veterinary programs.


Jenny Alber

Hello, everyone. My name is Jenny Alber and I am the Senior Program Director for the Colorado Dental Board. I hate to admit this, especially as a rational adult, but previously when I knew I had to go to a dentist’s office, my mood was doom and gloom. I was terrified. Nightmares and cold sweats were a common occurrence. Then, I was lucky enough last fall to be selected to work at DORA for the Dental Board.

I think having access to the caring professionals who give their time to serve on the Board, and to see in person the dedication and care that they bring to each case, has allowed my fears to subside. It has been an honor to work with a Board of dental professionals whose goal and mission is to protect and serve the consumers of Colorado.

By means of introduction, I joined DORA after four years at the Colorado Department of Human Services, where I served as a Project Analyst and then an Assistant Director of Support Services at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Fort Logan. My responsibilities included direct supervision of the Nutritional Services and Pastoral Care Program, and accreditation procedures. I previously spent 10 years working within the local nonprofit community before joining the State of Colorado workforce.

Now, as Senior Program Director, I look forward to continuing to serve in my position with the help of an incredible staff. Thank you, Jessi, Andrew, Vaña and Widney. Please feel free to reach out to me or my staff should you need any assistance. I can be reached at Jenny.Alber@state.co.us, and 303-894-7761.

Rule change on horizon

Gov. John Hickenlooper signed House Bill 18-1045 Dental Hygienist Apply Silver Diamine Fluoride (HB18-1045). The bill became effective immediately upon the Governor’s signature on March 22, 2018 and expands the dental hygienist Scope of Practice by allowing dental hygienists to apply silver diamine fluoride under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist if the dental hygienist:

  • holds a license in good standing to practice dental hygiene;
  • completes a postsecondary course on the use and limitations of silver diamine fluoride;
  • is covered by professional liability insurance;
  • has a collaborative agreement with a dentist that outlines the protocol, any restrictions, and follow-up procedures for the use of silver diamine fluoride.

A dental hygienist may apply silver diamine fluoride only in collaboration with a dentist. The bill further outlines procedures for supervising dentists who are providing supervision from a separate location apart from the dental hygienist or via telehealth. The bill also directs the Colorado Dental Board to create rules within 90 days of the bill signing, which falls on June 22, 2018.

New PDMP Prescriber Reports have arrived

Beginning in February, prescribers received a quarterly automated "Prescriber Report" from the PDMP.

The new prescriber reports can: help prescribers make more informed decisions; include data on prescription volume and PDMP usage; include Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) dosing information; give prescribers an opportunity to assess their own prescribing history when compared to their peers within the same specialty; support PDMP's mission to identify and prevent potential misuse and abuse of prescription drugs; protect confidentiality of patient specific informationl support appropriate utilization of controlled substances for legitimate medical purposes.

Reports will arrive quarterly in a prescriber's email, or they can be accessed inside PDMP AWARxE by clicking on the "Prescriber Report" link.

Two new Board members announced

The Colorado Dental Board is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members: Professional Member Dr. Lisa Carlson-Marks, D.D.S, FAAPD and Public Member Greggory LaBerge, Ph.D.

Dr. Carlson-Marks is pediatric dentist who brings a history and passion for serving as an advocate and protector of consumer safety for children in her dental practice and her community.

Mr. LaBerge is the current Forensics and Evidence Division Director for the Denver Police Department. He has been a public servant for over 20 years and brings a unique perspective to the board.

More on rules ...

Recent rules changes can be reviewed on the Board's website. Among recent changes: Rule XIII Limited Prescriptive Authority for Dental Hygienists and Rule XXIV Use of Lasers.

In reviewing these rules if you have any questions please contact us at: dora_dentalboard@state.co.us

Division Meetings and Events Calendar

The Colorado Dental Board holds public meetings four times annually.

Find the meeting or event you are interested in attending on the calendar, and click on more details for additional information.


Experts assist the Board by providing reviews and opinions on Board cases. Currently, the Board is recruiting all types of specialties to serve in this expert capacity. This is an excellent opportunity to give back to your profession, help your community, and gain valuable experience. To learn more about the application process, contact the Board at dora_dentalboard@state.co.us.