Consulting Team
Cathy Kramer
Connect2DOT Program Manager
- DBE/ESB Certification
- DBE/ESB Program Compliance
- Contract/Project Management
- Marketing Strategy/Networking
- Alternative Delivery Contracting
- CDOT Prequalification
- CDOT Bidding/Project Forms
- CDOT PS/NPS Project Pursuits
- SOI/Proposal Requirements
- CDOT Procurement
Cathy Kramer is the Statewide Program Manager for Connect2DOT and CEO of Caddis LLC, a business and marketing consulting firm helping companies in the transportation industry. She has 25 years of marketing and management consulting experience, working with a range of clients from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. She provides strategic direction to corporations and government agencies regarding market analysis, brand strategy, marketing planning, government proposal writing, supplier diversity, and small business program management. She has been directly responsible for more than 50 national and international client accounts and is often asked to provide keynote presentations and training at national organizations and events.
Cathy has been a consultant to CDOT for more than 15 years providing technical assistance to DBE/ESB firms and supporting the development and outreach of CDOT’s DBE/ESB Programs. In 2008, Cathy was part of the team that conducted the CDOT Disparity Study which was used to determine the need for remedial programs based upon racial and gender discrimination in state highway construction contracting. As a result, she assisted CDOT staff in restructuring the DBE/ESB Programs and determining the Triennial FHWA and FTA Overall Annual DBE Goal for the past 3 cycles. She has an extensive understanding of CDOT contracting and project delivery methods and has assisted hundreds of firms in marketing their services to CDOT.
Prior to starting her own business, Cathy was a Senior Systems Analyst for a Washington D.C. management consulting company where she managed large-scale federal financial and procurement software implementations at the Library of Congress, US Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce, and Louisville Water Company. She consulted with clients to re-engineer workflow procedures, define system requirements, and streamline business processes.
Cathy is currently the Program Manager for Connect2DOT, managing the partnership between CDOT and the Colorado Small Business Development Centers and assisting with business consulting, training, outreach, and technical support to contractors and consultants through 14 centers across the state.
Cathy currently serves on the Board of Directors for HCC Contractor Academy, The GoUrban Foundation, and ElektrikGreen, Inc. She also served multiple terms as an Advisory Board Member for COMTO Colorado. Cathy received a B.A. from Michigan State University.
Cathy is available for consulting through the Denver Metro SBDC in downtown Denver, as well as by virtual appointment statewide.