
Learn More About Each of The Businesses
Open to Serve You Safely!

Pawsitive - Dog Training

What is your business? We are family owned and operated. Myself and my Wife are certified Trainers specializing in a wide variety of skills between the two of us. We specialize in puppy start right, basic and advanced obedience, service training, behavior modification, and more.

Your website:

What makes your business special or unique? What makes us unique is we train in real-world experiences. Meaning the dogs learn in areas they are normally in, in everyday life. We work hand and hand with the owners to make sure they are receiving the best possible version of themselves and their puppies. My wife and I work hard to give these dogs the life they deserve. Our methods are positive reinforcement training.

What positive changes did your business make during the pandemic? What pivots or what did you do to make it work? We use masks and hand sanitizer during training. Unfortunately, we are not doing group classes at this time due to restrictions so we created a virtual training and a drop-off style day camp for the puppies to come train and socialize with other puppies. We lost the facility we were using due to the pandemic but have been training out of our home in Southeast Aurora. which has been both beneficial and non-beneficial.

What are you doing specifically to keep your employees and customers safe?

The steps we have taken to keep clients safe is requiring masks and 6 feet apart when training. My wife and I are the only employees as of now due to not having funds to pay our other employees so we had to lay them off.

What one word sums up your business?


Do you have a hashtag that you use with your business?

#PawsitivePacCreations #AuroraPuppyTrainers

Is there anything else you'd like us to know when we're putting together your post?

We are a small family-owned and operated business striving to be great. It has been a bit of a struggle this year but we are still pushing to be great. We have a never give up attitude. We have lost so much in the pandemic but have also gained. and though revenue is down and we are scraping by we will always be here to help others and their puppies!

Twigge - Book Rentals

What is your business? We are a book rental service and a team that embraces the book as a cherished object and is committed to the mission of improving access for readers everywhere. We are here for folks who love to flip real pages!

Your website:

What makes your business special or unique? We help our customers...

  • Stay Home → A two-way delivery service eliminates the need for trips to the library or bookstore. We deliver - free shipping!

  • Save Money → Buying all of the new books on a reading list can quickly add up. All of our rentals are just $6.99 for six weeks.

  • Reduce Clutter → New 'stuff' can pile up quickly, especially with voracious little readers. Our rental model allows you to send back titles after you are done reading them or your little one gets bored (or outgrows) that story.

  • Discover Books → A browsing experience that reminds you more of a chat with a beloved bibliophile than a search through a generic catalog. Our curated and experience-focused collections help guide you to find the book you are in the mood for.

What positive changes did your business make during the pandemic? What pivots or what did you do to make it work? Twigge was born during this pandemic and our focus from day one has been on providing a service that allows our community to continue to access physical books without having to leave their home and with an accessible price point.

What are you doing specifically to keep your employees and customers safe?

We are leveraging technology and the mail system to enable a "distant" experience.

What one word sums up your business?


Do you have a hashtag that you use with your business?


Is there anything else you'd like us to know when we're putting together your post?

We are a team who believe that working hard at work worth doing is a gift. Together, we are finding purpose amidst this year of too much pain and grief in our mission to improve access to books, and with that, access to a broader range of experiences and points of view. We hope our customers will enjoy the Twigge collections as much as we do and their list of favorite books will grow into a tapestry almost as rich and diverse as the community of readers we hope to build.

Snow Apparel

SNOW Apparel is a women's apparel boutique in Longmont. We specialize in slow fashion and offer made-in-America, organic, sustainable fabrics and certified fair trade clothing and accessories.

Since reopening after the covid 19 shut down, we see customers by appointment only. This bold and positive change to our business has been well received by our customers. And they are eager to share their positive shopping experience with friends, family and on social media.

Your website:

Another pivot to SNOW Apparel was to create a covid quarantine area for clothing tried on but not purchased. Since we see customers by appointment, we only need one changing room. The second room is for quarantined clothes, and they stay in quarantine for 7 days. Since we couldn't accept returns, this was the best and safest solution for us and our customers.

I also spent a good amount of time adjusting my future orders. I didn't want to cancel any orders so we just changed to more cotton and comfortable clothing for those gals working from home. We have the most comfortable "zoom" pants in Boulder County!

When customers make an appointment, we explain our mask requirements, the fact that they will have my complete attention and encourage her to have fun exploring slow fashion!

We offer hand sanitizer, explain our quarantine room and no return policy, then we have fun celebrating her style!

One word that sums up SNOW Apparel... experiential!

Hashtags are fun and we use many!

#shopSNOW #Longmont #Colorado #organic #fairtrade #madeinAmerica #whomadeyourclothes #sustainableclothing #ethicallymade #slowfashion #shopwithaconscience

Chef Sherri Sauces

What is your business? Chef Sherri Sauces are a premium line of artisanal sauces that are delicious, easy to use, and made from wholesome ingredients. They contain only real ingredients, nothing artificial, no chemicals, no preservatives, and as many organic and non-GMO options as possible. Additionally, they are gluten-free, low sugar, and vegetarian-friendly to serve the needs of a larger population of customers.

Your website:

What makes your business special or unique? Most sauce companies are focused on the bottom line, choosing lower quality ingredients and those that are known to be unhealthy in order to pad their profits. I chose the opposite tact: my mission is to help people live healthier lives by offering a way for them to make quick yet delicious meals that are also good for them. I want people to bypass the drive-thrus and frozen meals, understanding that using my sauces would take the same amount of time and provide a significantly better (and tastier!) result. Lastly, 5% of my profits are donated every year to a charity that is collectively chosen by my customers.

What positive changes did your business make during the pandemic? I was just preparing to launch Chef Sherri Sauces when the pandemic struck. So I guess you could say that instead of making positive changes, I made Colorado-focused choices from the start with the intent of helping other local businesses through this pandemic as much as possible while I also grew my business. I have several local small businesses that I source ingredients from and have filled my needs for graphic design, label printing, and (future) co-packing with businesses in Colorado.

What pivots or what did you do to make it work? Starting a business is hard anyway, and doing it in a pandemic has been excruciating. The ability to get access to resources and speak with individuals has been incredibly strained, yet at the same time almost everyone I’ve connected with has shown a true desire to help me if at all possible. My initial goal of being commercially produced by June quickly became a pipe dream as the country shut down, but I took the opportunity to restructure my supply chain to become more Colorado-focused and also established remote relationships with local SBDC’s for guidance.

What are you doing specifically to keep your employees and customers safe? Currently I’m the only employee, and am extremely careful about Covid precautions. I have most of my groceries and supplies delivered, only go out when necessary, don’t have gatherings, and always wear a mask. Most of my orders are mailed to customers, but if someone chooses a local pick-up I make sure to follow all Covid protocols.

What one word sums up your business? Delicious :)

Do you have a hashtag that you use with your business? #ChefSherriSauces Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are all @ChefSherriSauces

Is there anything else you'd like us to know when we're putting together your post? I’m grateful to live in a state that has strong support for small businesses, and equally grateful for the opportunity to share my “why behind the what” through your platform. Thank you for including me!