Classroom Happenings

December 8th - 2023 - Christmas Celebrations

In this busy month we made sure to try and find some time to share the Christmas spirit in addition to our regular classroom work. Students recently were working on devloping and applying divisibility rules to help determine the factors of a number. The students were racing to see who could finish their portion of the list first, however they all stopped for a photo op.  Last night we celebrated with the school the annual Christmas pageant and concert. It was a marvelous experience for all. We also each made an ornament for our class tree that will go home at the start of break. I hope that during this time of year you can enjoy special moments of peace this season. 

November 13th, 2023 - Accepting Differences Novel Study

Today we began our new novel study unit on accepting differences. In this novel study students will be reading about characters who have an extra challenge in their life. Some of these challenges are autism, cerebral palsy, dwarfism, and Asperger's syndrome. The students discuss how these people are treated in the story and how they should be treated in real life. It is a great opportunity to learn about others who are part of God's unique family. 

We also took the opportunity to reflect on some of the things that we are grateful for in the month of gratitude. We, along with 4A, wrote them on fall themed papers and they are presented out on one of the hallway displays. 

October 10th, 2023 - Retreat Day at Holy Family

Today we had our annual retreat day at Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center, in West Hartford. We were able to explore creation, learn about sustainable energy, took time for prayer, and also got to know eachother a little better. We also made a craft that will decorate our garden fence at school. A great day was had by all.  

September 15th, 2023 - Mineral Identification

We have begun our science unit on rocks and minerals with an exploration on how to identify minerals. Students learned new vocabulary like luster, streak, and breakage. Then they used these terms to identify a set of samples from around the world. Student learned how difficult it could be when different samples of the same mineral can be two different colors. 

August 24th, 2023 - Ready for Students

This school year is just around the corner and I am so excited to welcome some new students into classroom 4B this year. I have been busy setting up some areas of the classroom over the last few days and it is all coming together nicely. We were able to get a new interactive board in the classroom that replaced the old smart board, and I am excited to learn all that it is able to do to enhance the learning in 4B! Our classrrom library is all set up with hundreds of books for the students to choose from. We will also be learning so much this year about the Catholic Social Teachings and how they help us to guide us in life by making good choices to show others respect and kindness. It is going to be a great year and I can't wait for you to see it all.