Information on Bonus Gift and Reception

Bonus Information

[5 NFTs Bonus] Iyoshi Cola

For those who collect 5 NFTs, the first 150 people each day will receive a gift of Iyoshi Cola! Limited to one per person during the event period.

Iyoshi Cola is crafted by a specialized cola manufacturer located in Shimo-Ochiai, Tokyo. The grandson of a herbal medicine craftsman inherited his grandfather's techniques and workshop, establishing the company.

[ALL JAPAN NFT STARS COLLECTION Complete] Special NFT・Lenticular Artwork

For those who complete the ALL JAPAN NFT STARS COLLECTION by collecting all 40, you will receive a special NFT from Kazuki Takakura, and the first 50 applicants* will also receive a lenticular artwork as a gift!

*Available on a first-come, first-served basis for those who apply through the form.

Location for Bonus Pickup

[5 NFTs Bonus] Iyoshi Cola

★ Shibuya City Labour & Welfare Hall at 1st Floor DIG SHIBUYA Information Desk

1/12 (Fri) 12:00-20:00

1/13 (Sat) 10:00-18:00

1/14 (Sun) 10:00-18:00

We will provide to the first 150 people each day.

Please show your FUN FAN NFT's [My Page>My NFTs] to the staff at Shibuya City Labour & Welfare Hall at 1st Floor DIG SHIBUYA Information Desk.

[ALL JAPAN NFT STARS COLLECTION Complete] Special NFT・Lenticular Artwork

★ Those who collect all 40 relevant NFTs will automatically receive a special NFT in their FUN FAN NFT's My NFTs.

Please check [My Page>My NFTs].

If you wish to receive the artwork, please fill in your address and name in the form inside the attachment of the NFT artwork.

The deadline for form submission is 1/18 (Thu).

Shipping is scheduled for early February.