The Cooking Star

The Comeback Ban

Beginning July 1, students in the Los Angeles Unified School District won't be able to buy strawberry milk The AP reports the district becomes the largest in the nation to ban the favorite flavored milk in an effort to stem childhood obesity.  but schools all over the world are trying to decide if the legendary milk is coming back. 

strawberry fever

studies have shown that These varieties deliver the same 13 essential nutrients as unflavored milk, including calcium, vitamin D, and potassium—nutrients of public health concern that are lacking in the diets of many kids—and contribute just 4% of the added sugars in the diets of children 2-18 years.

The Ban of Coco Milk

did you know that some schools in different states have or are debiting to ban the original chocolate milk! 

Sid you know that the loganberry drink was invented in Buffalo? But not just that Mighty Taco was also founded in Buffalo N.Y and they serve the loganberry drink 

Which One?

these berries might look like blackberries and raspberries but these are really just loganberries!

Teachers' Favorites 

 we are talking about the favorites of other teachers in middle school and whether their favorites are healthy.

    Mr. Toth (Health and P.E)

 Did you know that Mr. Toth's favorite food is steak wrapped in bacon? Lets see if its healthy. Bacon has lots of sodium, cholesterol, and fat, all of which can increase your risk of heart disease. But bacon does have other nutrients, like protein, vitamins, and minerals. Just keep in mind that if you eat bacon, it's best to do so occasionally and in small amounts.

Miss Arlotta (Chorus)

Did you know that Miss. Arlotto's favorite food is pizza? Like all foods, more processed types of pizza are often higher in unhealthy ingredients than those made from scratch. Frozen and fast-food pizzas can contain ingredients like preservatives, colorings and unhealthy fats. However, all pizzas, no matter how they're prepared, are typically made using refined wheat flour.

the recipe of the year 

secret tea:

-Put the regular tea packet in a mug

-add 8 oz. hot water

-add two regular-size ice cubes in a mug

-add two tsp of raspberry iced tea mix in a mug

-add one tsp of sugar in a mug

-stir and mix until mixed together

-add metal straw then drink

Mac and Fact

--Thomas Jefferson brought a pasta machine back from Italy and his daughter, Mary Randolph, invented the dish with parmesan cheese which later was changed to cheddar cheese. However, it was in Elizabeth Raffald's The Experienced English Housekeeper (1769), another cookbook that circulated in the colonies, where we got our first proper recipe for macaroni and cheese in English.

in different schools or countries they have their school lunches even worst than being served raw brusal sprouts, so don't go thinking starpoint's lunches are the worst.

check out how some school lunches are made

edible flourishment

see different edible foods with beautiful flourishment

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