Green Hub (Prep)

Term Three Week 9

Missing you all!

Thanks for everything you are managing to do at home...we are most appreciative and impressed by all your efforts!

Morning Meets continue and "Time with the Teacher" sessions have a Literacy focus this week. Times and links are sent via Seesaw. Your child will have the same time for Literacy each day Mon, Wed and Thurs.

We love seeing your smiling faces on Meets, so we have come up with a new plan for this week! In the next 24 hours you will receive a special delivery from your teacher. In it you will find some supplies to use on our Wednesday and Thursday Morning Meets and to help you bake something special for RuOK Day on Friday. Don't open it yet!

More details in the daily slides!

As always, if fatigue is setting in, look for the Seesaw icons and prioritise those activities...

Take care xx

Monday 6th September : Green Hub Learning From Home

Monday, 6th September

Morning Meet and Literacy 'Teacher Time'

Specialist Remote Learning Slides Term 3 Week 9 - Green Hub

Tuesday, 7th September

Specialist Day: Morning Meet

Wednesday 8th September: Green Hub Learning From Home

Wednesday 8th Sept

Morning Meet(need a bottle and vinegar) and teacher time

Thursday 9th September: Green Hub Learning From Home

Thursday 9th Sept

Morning Meet (need art supplies from pack, glue, scissors and pencils or textas)

Friday 10th September: Green Hub Learning From Home

Friday 10th Sept

RUOK Day Family activities

Morning Meet (Scones: need can of lemonade from pack, flour and cream)