
Thanks to technology innovations, building a website is getting easier and easier. You no longer need to know coding languages like HTML in order to develop a website that is both informative and aesthetically pleasing. FUN FACT: This Research Toolkit website presents the findings of research conducted by GUHSD Teacher Librarians about the research process. What might you present?

Writing for the Web is Different from Writing a Paper

  • The information content that you post of a website may be similar to what you add to a traditional paper, but your delivery of that content should be different.

  • You will, for instance, need to communicate ideas by logically organizing and chunking information, using more visuals and less text, hyperlinking information, and so forth.

(brief but good summary)

(longer, but helpful explanation)

NOTE: When creating web content, it is common that you will use multimedia assets (e.g., images, video clips, etc.) from others. Make sure that you have rights to use assets and provide attribution, as required legally and requested by your teacher. Also check out these attribution best practices. for the web.

Website-Building Tools

If you are presenting your research findings by developing a website, or adding on to an existing website such as a digital portfolio, here are a few website-building tools to explore. As always, use the tool that best serves the needs of your research project. Google Sites is one very easy way to build a website that suits your needs. There are many other website-making tools to choose from.

You currently have two options when it comes to Google Sites. You can create in classic Sites (the one that hasn't changed in years) or in new Sites (just made available in the summer of 2016!)

This Research Toolkit is a Weebly website! It has a drag-and-drop editing interface, much like the new Google Sites (although it seems to have more building options than the new Google Sites currently has).

Customize your website's content after starting with one of the templates. Just as with Weebly, Wix can help you develop an aesthetically pleasing website.

"Turn your ideas into impactful [sic] social graphics, web stories, and animated videos - in minutes"