Play it Forward


Welcome to 7th Grade STREAM!

We will start with a prayer for each class as we did last year. This prayer is very relevant to STREAM, as well as, the time we are living in right now. It's okay to be confused, uncertain, and frustrated, but we must ask God for help to get us through the challenges we face. Click here for the prayer.


Here you will find the syllabus for the STREAM & Technology Elective. The syllabus outlines the elective goals, expectations, grading, and other information.

Bingo Baker

As I am going over the syllabus, we are going to play Bingo. For any words you hear, you will mark out that word on your Bingo Card. Click on Bingo Card to generate yours. (Even though you will be on the honor system, Mrs. Bible will be keeping track of words she has said.)


What questions do you have so far? Padlet

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