Mrs. Lisson    CCD Email

Fifth Grade

Mrs. Lisson

Dear Families,

Welcome back to another wonderful year!  I feel so honored to be working with all of you this year.  Please get familiar with your new textbook this week.   Take the time to look over the chapters and see the interesting topics we will be covering.  

For homework this week, I would like for you to recite your prayers to Mom and Dad.   Please start with The Sign of the Cross, The Our Father, The Hail Mary, The Glory Be and the Act of Contrition.  Please remember to say your prayers at the start of the morning and let it be the last thing you do before bed.  

I hope you all have a wonderful week!


Mrs. Lisson 

PS- If you were unable to meet with us tonight, you will need to make arrangements to pick up your book and folder from the rectory.  

Assigned: Sunday, Sept. 25th   Due: Saturday, Oct. 1st

Read pages 2-8

I hope everyone had a chance to take a look at your new textbook.  This week we are going to look at Chapter 1.  The chapters are short, but they cover important information.  

In Chapter 1, we learn about the many different ways we can worship.  Remember, we don't need to be in church to pray or talk to God.  He is always there and always listening.  

Jesus worshipped his Father by praying in a synagogue each week.  In a synagogue, Jewish people pray together.  Our faith comes out of the Jewish faith, but as Christians, we worship as Jesus taught us.  

We can worship each Sunday together at Church and we can also worship God in personal prayer.  Part of your assignment last week was to recite your prayers.  You were worshipping our Lord without even knowing I was preparing you for our first Chapter!  

We also worship through service.  As you get older, you will be asked to volunteer as part of your preparation for Confirmation.  Students can choose to give back to their community or provide a service that will help out St. Anne's.  Think about ways in which you can worship through service right now.   Can you help out your school or teacher without expecting anything in return? 

Complete Chapter one review on page 8.  Take a picture of the completed page and email it to me for credit.   

Have a great week!   If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Good day to Mrs. Lisson's (Miss Amy's) class.  I understand from her that you are all doing so well with your work.  You are going to have a wonderful year learning and participating in your Faith.  You have a wonderful teacher, and I am so very proud of you.  Keep up the good work, and I will be checking in from time to time to see how you are doing.  Remember to attend Holy mass and fill out your Mass Journals.  Looking forward to reading them.   Take care and be safe!  Mrs. Emrock  

Week 3 Jesus Calls Us to Worship 

Date Assigned-  10/1 Due: 10/8/22

Thank you to everyone that sent in their assignment from last week.  I loved reading your prayers and I loved when you sent a picture of yourself with your homework.  I know that meeting virtually is not ideal, especially since it's hard to get to know one another through a computer.

This is one of my favorite weeks in our book.  It's learning how to read the Bible.   I have included a video at the top.  Please take the time to watch.  I know that some of you may not have a Bible at home to use.  In class, we would be able to do the activity on page 12 together with me showing you how to find a passage.  If I were to say, please find the Bible passage of Matthew 26:36- you would look to the table of contents.  Find Matthew and go to Chapter 26.  The first number before the semicolon is the chapter.  The number after the semicolon is the verse.  The verse number is written very small within the passage.  

Look at page 12 and attempt the Scripture search.  Remember, you can do an internet search for the Bible passages if you do not have a home Bible.  Please connect each passage with the correct author.  

This chapter also discusses the seven sacraments and how they are organized into different categories.  We have the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist), We have the Sacraments of Healing (Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick) and we have Sacraments at the Service of Communion (Holy Orders, Matrimony) Once you have received all of the Sacraments of Initiation, you are considered a full member of the Catholic Church.  You are fully initiated into our faith.  What an exciting time for all of our current eighth graders.

Lastly, please complete page 16.  So, two things, complete the bottom of page 12 and page 16.  You will need to read the entire chapter to find the answers for 1-5.  This is an important chapter.  I hope you all have a wonderful week!  Please reach out to me if I can be of any assistance or help!  Please be sure to go to mass and complete your mass journals.  The journal can be found at the top of the page- right where you click for grade 5. 


Mrs. Lisson 

** When sending homework for the week- please put CCD in the title.   

Week 4 Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community

Date Assigned 10/8 Date Due  10/15

Dear Students,

I am posting a little early this week.  I'm giving you a head start to get Chapter 3 read and your assignment completed ahead of the long weekend.  Please make sure that you are going to church each week with your family and that you are completing your mass journals.  Your mass journals are sent directly to Mrs. Emrock.   Find a mass that works for your schedule.  The more you go to church, the easier it will be to understand the content in our book.  

Chapter 3 is all about the first sacrament we receive.  Most of us do not even remember the day that we were baptized.  We have to rely on looking at photos to see the day that we were welcomed into God's church.  Baptism marks us forever as Christians.  

Ask your parents if they can recall your baptism.  Who was present for this wonderful celebration?  Who are your Godparents?  What active role do they have in your life now that you are older?  

You attend CCD instruction.  Although we are not meeting in person, did you know that there are adults going through CCD too?  Their program is called RCIA.  They meet and talk about the Catholic faith.  They are preparing to receive all of their sacraments, too.  They were not born into the Catholic faith like you.  They are now choosing to become a member of the Catholic Church.  All of the people in our RCIA program become initiated into our faith at the Easter vigil mass.  Mrs. Lisson loves to attend the Easter vigil mass to welcome all of our new church members.  Maybe you and your family would like to come this year!

During your baptism, your family was given several sacramentals to keep as a memory of your special day.  A sacramental can be words, actions or objects that are blessed by the Church.  At your baptism, you were blessed with the sacred water, anointed with chrism ( a special oil), given a white bib and a candle.  

Water - brings new life

Chrism - symbolizes a new member of our church family

White garment or bib- you are now clothed in Christ

Candle- You received the light of Christ. 

Be sure to read pages 19-23.  Pay close attention to the terms to know.  Complete page 24 and have mom or dad send me a picture of it completed.  Be sure to write CCD in the subject line. 

Watch the video above.  It will give you a good idea of what happens when a baby is baptized.  Pay close attention to the clothes (garments) that the priest is wearing for the baptism.  We will be discussing the clothes that a priest wears very soon.  

Have a great week!  Hugs, Mrs. Lisson 

Week 5 Confirmation Is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit

Date Assigned: October 16   Due: October 22

Dear Students, 

I hope you are all doing well.  Thank you for doing your assignments and sending them in a timely fashion.  I have enjoyed seeing your smiling faces with your homework.  

This new chapter is all about Confirmation.  Confirmation is the last sacrament of initiation that you will receive.  In our last chapter, you learned that the three Sacraments of Initiation are; Baptism, The Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.  

The apostles had felt frightened after Jesus died on the Cross.  They thought they would also be arrested and put to death.  Then the Holy Spirit came and they were no longer afraid.  Their faith had been strengthened, or confirmed, and they became witnesses to Jesus.  The same thing happens to people today in the Sacrament of Confirmation-- their faith is strengthened.  

The Holy Spirit first came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism.  It was also in Baptism that we first received the gift of faith.  In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit renews his coming and thus strengthens and confirms the faith we received in Baptism.  He makes us strong as he did the apostles, and he calls us to be witnesses to Christ.  We recommit ourselves to living like Jesus.  

Please complete page 29 in your textbook.  Also, please watch the video above about Father Damien and answer the following questions:

1  How did Saint Damien give witness to Christ?

2. Why do you think he is called the Martyr of Molokai?  Remember, a martyr is a person that is killed because of their religious beliefs.

3. Father Damien risked his life to help others.  He knew that leprosy was contagious, but he saw a place where people were not able to live lives of dignity.  He knew he was needed.  Who are other people today who risk their lives to help others?

Please write your answers on a piece of paper and send along with page 29 to my email.  Be sure to include your name and CCD in the title.  

Have a great week ahead.  Please pray for me and I will pray for you!


Mrs. Lisson 


A Message From Our Bishop



Week 6/Chapter 5

The Eucharist Is the Center of Christian Life

ASSIGNED 10/23        DUE 10/29


READ CHAPTER 5 pages 35-40


There will be a test on Chapters 1-5 on Nov. 6th. 

Dear Parents and Students,

As we enter our sixth week together, I want to remind you that all assignments will be posted by Saturday evening.  I have been uploading a day or two early.  This past week, I have had to send out several reminders that I was missing homework assignments.  Please be sure to stay on top of assignments and their due dates.  I am always mindful to not assign an assignment that would be too difficult or demand too much of the student.  

In Chapter 5, we begin the discussion of the Eucharist and how it is the center of our Christian Life.

In the Old Testament, we read that God sent plagues upon Egypt to punish the pharaoh for not letting the Israelites leave.  The greatest and most fearsome plague was when the angel of death passed over.

The Israelites were saved from the angel of death when they sacrificed a lamb and put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts.  This lamb is called the paschal lamb. 

This event is what the Jewish people have celebrated each year for centuries during the feast of Passover. 

Jesus celebrated Passover on the night before he died.  When he did, he changed the celebration.  Jesus Christ became the sacrifice; he became the paschal lamb.  He saved us from sin and death by passing through death to a risen life. 

Important points to remember in this chapter:

-The Paschal Mystery includes the passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension

-The Eucharist is the most wonderful sacrament of all because we receive Jesus Christ himself

-We need to be in a state of grace when we are preparing to receive Holy Communion.  If we have committed a sin or broken a commandment, we need the Sacrament of Reconciliation before we can receive The Eucharist.


Date Assigned 10/30   

Parents- An assignment was posted with a google doc that was to be used as a review for the Unit 1-5 test.  Those that tried to access it are having difficulty.  I have deleted the document so no one will be confused.  Please be sure to reread chapters 1-5.  Look over the chapter reviews.  

 There will be a test posted as next week's assignment.  If you have any questions, please email me.  

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday!

Wishing all of you a Happy Halloween and Safe Halloween.  Please remember to attend Holy Mass this weekend.  Jesus NEVER forgets you!  Mrs. Emrock

P. S.   PLEASE do your HOMEWORK!!!!!!!

Chapter 1-5 Test

Date Assigned 11/5/22

Due:  11/12/22

Dear Parents

Please check your personal emails.  The Unit Test was sent to your private email.  

It is an open book test.  I would like for the children to try and answer as many questions as they can without referring to the book.  If they get stuck, they may look back into the chapters for assistance.  Pay close attention to the questions that give them difficulty.  If there is something that is difficult, send me an email and I will help them

Parents, I will no longer be sending reminder emails about completing assignments.  CCD is a commitment. I take it very seriously and I am here to do whatever I can to help your child develop a deeper connection to their faith and to St. Anne's.  Unfortunately, I have a few that I have not heard from in a few weeks.  If you are in this situation, your child has received zeros.  You are allowed 3 missed assignments.  Please do not fall into this category.  I am here to do whatever I can to help you.  

This assignment will be due Saturday, Nov. 12th.  If you submit early, I may not have an opportunity to review until later in the week.  

Enjoy this beautiful weather

Mrs. Lisson   

Week 9

Date Assigned 11/12/22

Date Due 11/19/22

Chapter 6 & 7 Gather and Go Forth and We Come Together to Celebrate

Dear Students,  

Thank you so much for sending in your unit 1-5 Test.  I will be emailing you all over this coming weekend.  I had a very busy week and I knew I would not be able to look at them until this coming weekend.  Have you had a busy week?  I miss being able to see you! 

This week I would like for you to read Chapter 6.  It's a quick chapter and you do NOT need to complete any of the questions in this chapter.  It is a chapter that provides review information.  If we were in class, we would attempt to make the Ojo de Dios- but I won't make Mommy and Daddy struggle through that craft!  

Take a closer look at Chapter 7.  Remember when I said it would be important for you to attend weekly mass?  Well here we go.  If you aren't attending weekly mass, ask yourselves- why am I learning about Jesus but not seeing it in person!  To truly learn something, you have to live it and see it.  If you haven't been to church in a long time, that is okay.  I promise, no one will know!  Jesus will be waiting with open arms.  

In this chapter, we begin talking about mass as a celebration.  We come together to share in the Eucharist.  Did you know that the word Eucharist means "thanksgiving"?  Soon we will be celebrating Thanksgiving with our families.  

The very first part of mass is called the Introductory Rites.  Think of it as an introduction.  We are meeting and doing an introduction when we start mass. 

All of this happens before we even sit down in church.  The entirety of The Introductory Rite occurs while we are still standing.  Once we sit down, we enter the next part of the mass.  That is called The Liturgy of the Word.  We will learn more about that in our next chapter.  

Please be sure to complete page 60 in your book.  

I am including a word bank for the word scramble.  

The Roman Missal






Week 10


Enjoy this week with your family!  No homework is assigned for this week.  Be sure to check back on Saturday, Nov. 26th.  A new assignment will be posted on that date.  

Please pray for my family and I will pray for yours!

Take Care,

Mrs. Lisson 

Week 11

Chapter 8  We Listen to God's Word

Date Assigned: 11/27/22

Due: 12/3/22

Assignment- Read Chapter 8 and complete Chapter. 8 review on page 68.  Please send me your completed assignment in a new email.  

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family.  

Did you go to church this weekend?  Did you notice the advent wreath lighting that took place at the beginning of mass?  We have just started a new Liturgical Year with the ending of ordinary time in our church.  We are now preparing for the arrival of baby Jesus in a few weeks.  Did you notice that the priest was wearing purple vestments?  Purple is one of the colors used during advent and lent.

This week, we move into the next part of mass known as the Liturgy of the Word.  

How many of you like to receive mail?  Maybe you have received letters or cards, or maybe you have received email.  How many of you kept a special message you received a long time ago?  Why did you keep it?  (I have many cards that I kept from my grandmother.  My grandmother passed away several years ago, but I kept them because they are special to me, and I like to see her handwriting and read her words of wisdom.) Why do we like to receive messages? Today we will talk about some written messages we receive from God.  

For Chapter 8, I want you to envision yourself at Sunday mass.  I want you to think about when we first sit down after the first part of the mass (The Introductory Rite).  As soon as we sit, we enter the second part of the mass known as The Liturgy of the Word.  During this time, we will have the First Reading.  This reading is taken from the Old Testament.  It is usually a little more challenging to understand.  Then we have the Responsorial Psalm.  This is our response to having heard God speak to us in the First Reading.  A psalm is a prayer that was meant to be sung.  Next, we have the Second Reading.  This is a reading from the New Testament.  After the second reading, we will stand and sing the Gospel Acclamation.  It is a sign of respect to stand before the Gospel is read to show that we are ready to do whatever Jesus tells us.

After the Gospel, we can sit and listen to the priest explain the message God is giving to us from the Gospel.  After the homily, we will stand and read the Nicene Creed, which is the Profession of Faith.  The Nicene Creed is what we proclaim as the truths of our faith.  

After the Nicene Creed, we have the Prayer of the Faithful where our response is Lord Hear Our Prayer.  We pray for the church, the Holy Father, and our bishop.  We pray for the needs of the world, our own country and we pray for people that are suffering and have passed away.  

After the Prayer of the Faithful, this ends the Liturgy of the Word.  We then start the third part of mass; Liturgy of the Eucharist.  

Week 12

Date Assigned 12/3/22

Date Due 12/10/22

Dear Students and Parents,

Please make sure that you have completed the assignment from week 11.  Scroll back and submit if you did not complete the assignment. 

Think about a time when you ordered something and had to wait for the package to arrive.  Or maybe you sent a letter or an email to someone and had to wait for a reply.  Have you ever noticed that the more eager you are for someone or something to arrive, the longer the waiting seems?  You can get so excited you just want to pop!  It is hard to be patient when you are so eager.  Today, you will learn of others' experiences of waiting and discover how we should wait and prepare for the coming of a very important person.  

We are going to jump out of order in our book this week.  We are entering the second week of Advent.  Please open your book to page 219.  Read the two pages about Advent and complete page 220.  

Please remember to go to mass this week.  Be sure to complete your mass journal and submit to Mrs. Emrock.  The mass journal is found at the top of the page.  

Please keep all of the students that are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation next Saturday in your thoughts and prayers. 

Please pray for my family and I will pray for yours.  

Have a great week!

Mrs. Lisson 

Week 13

Chapter 9 

Date Assigned 12/10/22

Date Due 12/17/22

We Praise and Thank God

Dear Boys and Girls,

We have already covered two parts of the Mass.  We have reviewed the Introductory Rites and the Liturgy of the Word.  Today we will begin our study of the next part of the Mass.  The Liturgy of the Eucharist.  

We all like to receive gifts.  Gifts make us happy.  They fill a need and show that the person who gave us the gift loves us.  We are thankful for the gift and for the love behind the gift.  What are some ways we show our gratitude?

Some of our most wonderful gifts are all around us all of the time.  They are so plentiful that you might even forget they are gifts.  God has given us so much.  But there is one gift God gave us that is the most wonderful gift of all.  It is listed in your book.  What is that greatest gift?  (God's son, Jesus!)

Read pages 71-74,

What was the gift Jesus offered?  

In the Eucharist, Jesus continues offering his perfect gift and gives us an opportunity to offer it with him.  

In the early days of the Church, people brought many gifts as signs of their life and work.  For those who were poor, they brought things from their gardens or things they had made, along with bread and wine.  By the time the priest accepted all these gifts, his hands were usually dirty.  Therefore, he washed his hands before continuing the Eucharist celebration. 

The priest still washes his hands today.  As he does, he prays that he may be cleansed of sin.  

Comple the Chapter 9 Review.  You do not need to complete the bottom portion of page 76.  The middle portion can be tricky.  Pay close attention as you read through the chapter for the correct order for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  You can do it!

Please pray for my family and I will pray for yours!  Have a great week! 

Mrs. Lisson 


Dear Boys and Girls

I am so proud of how hard you all have been working.  You do such a great job each and every week.  

There will be no assignments for the next two weeks.  The next assignment will be posted on January 7th.    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! 

Parents- I will be sending you all an email today from Mrs. Emrock.  The email will contain a document about Circle of Grace.  It is what is formally known as Protecting God's Children.  Please review the document in its entirety.  The very last page needs to be signed off by you, the parent, and sent back  to Mrs. Emrock.  She needs it back by January 6th.  Her email is

If you have any questions, please reach out to me. 

Week 16

Chapter 10: We Receive Holy Communion 

Date Assigned 1/7/23

Date Due 1/14/23

Dear Parents and Students,

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  It's always difficult coming back after an extended break.  My family knows how much I dread undecorating and taking down all our Christmas decorations.  I have been known to say that January is NOT my favorite month.   It is normal to have these feelings after celebrating such a beautiful holiday such as Christmas.  For most of us, we are blessed to share the holiday with family and friends.  The realization that it is all over so quickly can leave some feeling depressed. 

It has only been recently, that I started to look on the positive side when it comes to the month of January.  A new year means a new chance.  A new chance to try something new.  A chance to appreciate something that we might take for granted.  I picked the picture at the top because it demonstrates the beauty in our world.  God created such a beautiful landscape.  How can January be so bad if it can look this beautiful?  

For this week, I would like for you all to read Chapter 10.  We are almost finished learning all the parts of the mass.  We are now at the Communion Rite.  During the Communion Rite, we participate as Jesus' family in the eucharistic meal.  The gift that God gives us is Jesus.  Everything you will read should be very familiar to you since you studied this information when you were in third grade.  

For your homework, complete the review on page 84.  Also, please take the time to go back to Chapters 7-9.  It has been a while since we started learning the parts of the mass.  Give yourself the opportunity to review all that you have learned.  

Please be sure to attend Holy Mass.  Complete your mass journal after attending and submit.  

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!


Mrs. Lisson 


Week 17 

We are Sent to Glorify the Lord

Chapter 11

Date assigned 1/14/23

Due: 1/21/23

Dear Students, 

At every Mass, Jesus gives himself to his Father, and he comes to us.  He wants us then to give of ourselves to one another.  What did Jesus do at the Last Supper to show us that he wants us to give of ourselves to one another? ( he washed his apostles' feet)

In Jesus' time, people wore sandals, and their feet got hot and dirty.  When they got home, they needed to wash their feet.  But at the time, people weren't allowed to ask a servant to wash their feet.  Washing another person's feet was considered too lowly even for slaves.  

If you have a Bible at home, read John 13: 1-15. 

In the story, Jesus says, "If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet.  I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do."  

Jesus washed the disciples' feet at the Last Supper.  Today Jesus first feeds us with the Eucharist to make us strong in his life and love.  Then he sends us forth to 'wash feet".  He wants us to live the Mass.  

For your assignment this week, please read Chapter 11 and complete the chapter review on page 92.  This will conclude the parts of the mass and Unit 2 in our book.  

Have a wonderful week!


Mrs. Lisson :) 

Week 18

Chapter 12 and Unit 2 Review

Date Assigned 1/21/23

Date Due 1/28/23

Dear Students,

We have come to the end of Unit 2.  I want you to reflect back on all that you have learned about the parts of Mass.  Remember, Mass is where we are strengthened and blessed.  It is our opportunity to share in Jesus' sacrifice and a chance to thank and praise God for all that he has given us.  The Mass is our nourishment, and it prepares us to go out into the world to do God's work. 

Mass is not something we sit through.  The Mass is something we participate in.  It is not a show, but an action.  To really experience the Eucharist, we must prepare ourselves.  

Please read pages 95-96.  Complete the reviews on page 96 and 97.  Please do not rush through the assignment.  Take your time and go back if you need clarification.  I am accepting this review in place of a test.  Double check your answers before you email your assignment.  Do your best.  You have your book to use as your guide.  

If you get stuck, I am here for guidance and help.  Reach out to me.  

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Lisson 

Week 19 

Chapter 13    God's Healing Love

Date Assigned 1/28/23

Date Due  2/ 4/23

Dear Students,

God has given us freedom to make choices in our lives.  We make so many choices that sometimes we're not even aware that we're doing it.  For example, did you have to think about putting your right shoe on your right foot and your left shoe on your left foot?  These choices have become habits because we have a made them so often.

Because we are free to make our choices, we are also responsible for our choices and their results.  If you choose to put your shoes on the wrong feet and your feet start to hurt, whose fault is it that your feet hurt?

Each of us must accept the credit or the blame for our choices and the good or the bad that happens because of them.   Some choices are ordinary everyday-living choices, but some choices keep or break God's law.  These choices have to do with how we act toward God, toward others, and toward ourselves.  A poor choice in regard to our behavior is sinful if we disobey God's law.  

Let's imagine a boy named Jeff is working in his yard.  Jeff's friends want him to go biking.  But Jeff's father said he couldn't go anywhere until he finished his work.  If Jeff went with his friends before his work was finished, what kind of choice would that be?  (sinful) Why? Because Jeff disobeyed his father; he disobeyed God's law to honor your father and mother. 

For this week, read pages, 105-109.  Complete page 110.  If you get stuck with the top, reach out to me.  I am always here to help you.  Have a great week ahead!  Hugs- Mrs. Lisson 

Week 20 Chapter 14

Jesus Heals Us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation 

Date Assigned: 2/4/23

Date Due: 2/ 11/23

Dear Students,

On page 113, we have the story about Zacchaeus, the tax collector.  Take time and read it right now.  Why do you think Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus?  Why do you think Jesus chose to go to Zacchaeus's house?  Zacchaeus was moved by the love Jesus showed him.  It made him realize that he had sinned and hurt people.  He wanted to change and to share his joy with others.  

Jesus was probably very happy that Zacchaeus had wanted to see him so much.  What would have happened if Zacchaeus had become discouraged and gone home without seeing Jesus? (He wouldn't have been forgiven and he might not have changed his life. )

When we sin, we are not acting as God wants us to act.  God created us because he loves us.  But sometimes we do things that do not show our love for God.  Sometimes we do not show love for others or ourselves.  God wants to forgive us and fill our hearts with love. 

To receive Jesus' forgiveness and healing, we must admit that we have sinned.  When we recognize that Jesus loves us even though we are sinners, we can admit our sins. 

Zacchaeus gave us an example of an important thing to do if we are trying to live as God's children.  What did Zacchaeus say he would do to make up for his sins? (give half of his money to the poor, repay four times the amount to anyone he had cheated.)

Zacchaeus loved money more than he loved God, and that caused him to sin.  After he experienced Jesus' love, he wanted to get rid of greed and help people he had hurt.

After Jesus forgives our sins, he wants us to make up for them.  He wants us to get rid of whatever causes us to sin, and he wants us to bring joy to people we have hurt by our sins. 

For this week, please read the chapter 14 in its entirety.  When you read page 116, think about Calvin, Carmen, Connor and Jasmine.  What might each person do to try to make right what he or she did wrong?   

Please also complete page 120 Chapter 14 Review.  

Try and stay warm this weekend!  Be sure to go to church this weekend and complete your mass journal.  Remember, the mass journal is at the top of the page.  Scroll over to mass journals and complete.  

Week 21 Chapter 15

A Gift of Strength

Date Assigned: 2/11/23

Date Due: 2/ 18/23

Dear Students,

When Jesus was on earth, he healed those who were sick and suffering.  What are some things that Jesus did to help people who were sick or suffering? (Examples: healing people who were blind, healing lepers, raising the dead).

Jesus healed those who were ill.  Why do you think God sometimes allows people to suffer? (He has a plan we cannot understand; he brings good out of suffering).

No one likes to suffer or see others suffering.  Suffering is the result of original sin and of personal sins.  However, God can bring good out of suffering. 

Our suffering enables us to offer God a sacrifice of praise.  We can unite our suffering with the suffering of Jesus as an expression of our love.  If we do this, like Jesus, we will be happy, even when we are suffering. 

When we pray to Jesus, we receive the strength we need to suffer with joy in our hearts.  We hear Jesus say, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you and I will help you."

What are some special things people have done for you when you were sick?  How do you feel when people do kind things for you when you are sick?

Usually we're sick only for a short time.  But some people have serious illnesses that keep them in bed for a long time.  Or maybe they can be up, but they feel weak and cannot do the things they'd like to do.  Do you know anyone like that?  How do others help that person?

In the Anointing of the Sick, Jesus helps people, but in different ways.  Sometimes he cures them physically and takes away their illnesses and suffering.  When he does this, his healing action helps them to believe and trust in him.

When he does not cure our bodies, what does Jesus do for us? (He helps us to accept our sickness as he accepted his Cross; he forgives sin.)

It might be hard for us to believe that God loves us when he allows us to suffer.  We have to trust God to bring good out of our sickness and suffering.  In the Anointing of the Sick, Jesus gives people the grace to accept sickness patiently with faith and love. 

Please read pages 123-127.  Complete the chapter review on page 128.  There will be no homework assigned for next week!  We have President's Day Weekend.  Enjoy time with your family.  Be sure to go to Holy Mass and complete your mass journals.  Check back on February 25th for the next assignment.  Only one more month of CCD!  You can do it!  I am so proud of each and everyone of you!   Have a great week!  

-Mrs. Lisson 

Week 22- No Homework

Date Assigned: 2/18/23

Dear Students,

Enjoy the long weekend with your families.  Be sure to go to go to Holy Mass.  The next assignment will be posted on Saturday, February 25th.  


Mrs. Lisson 

Week 23 Lent

Assigned 2/25/23

Due 3/4/23

Dear Students,

The season of Lent begins 40 days before Easter.  We mark the beginning of Lent with a special day.  On this day, many Christians go to church and share in an important ritual.  This ritual involves ashes that are made from palm branches.  

This past Wednesday we celebrated Ash Wednesday.  Although not a holy day of obligation, it is a day that many Christians go to church to receive ashes on their forehead in the shape of the Cross.

The ashes we use on Ash Wednesday come from the burned branches of palm trees.  Palm branches are blessed and given out in church every year on the Sunday before Easter.  This day is called Palm Sunday.  

Those palm branches are burned, and the ashes are used to give us the blessing on Ash Wednesday.  These are holy ashes.

After we receive the blessed ashes on our foreheads, one of two prayers is said.  We might hear the prayer, "Repent, and believe in the Gospel." Or we might hear, "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

The ritual and symbols of Ash Wednesday are important ways of identifying ourselves as followers of Christ.  Let's learn more about the action, the words, and the objects used on this day.  

Read page 223-224

During Lent, all Christians want to live Jesus' Paschal Mystery.  Remember,  Jesus' passion, death, Resurrection and Ascension are called the Paschal Mystery.  Jesus passed from death to life.  That's why we refer to the suffering, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus as the Paschal Mystery. 

During the 40 days of Lent, we try in a special way to reject sin and to live in God's love.   For homework this week, I want you to do something special for your parents without being asked.  It could be drying the dishes or carrying laundry to the washer/dryer.  During Lent, we want to try and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  Put others before yourself.   No written homework is due this week.  Be sure to go to Holy Mass and complete your mass journals.  Have a great weekend! 


Mrs. Lisson 

Week 24 Chapter 16

Unit 3 Review

Dear Students,

Our time is coming to an end very soon!  I double checked with Mrs. Emrock and our last assignment will be posted on March 25.  We are in the home stretch.  Remember, even though we might not be meeting virtually, I will always be available to you and your family.  

This past unit has been all about God's healing love.  God loves us very much, with unconditional love.  God's love gives us strength when we are sick or hurt.  God's love can also heal the damage done to our souls by sin.  Jesus knows that we make mistakes.  He died on the Cross in order to cleanse our sins, which hurt our relationship with God.  Because of Jesus' sacrifice, God's love can heal us of our sins and keep our relationship with God healthy, strong and growing.  

Use the word bank on page 132 to complete the crossword puzzle.  Send me the completed page by next Saturday, March 11th at 4:00.  

Be sure to go to Holy Mass this week and complete your mass journal.  

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Lisson 

Week 25 Holy Week

Page 225

Date Assigned 3/11/23

Date Due 3/18/23

Dear Students,

With only a short time remaining, I'd like to skip ahead to Holy Week.  

Turn to page 216 in your book.  Months ago, we reviewed the garments that the priest wore for Holy Mass.  That was such a long time ago!  Let's see if we can refresh our memory!  Take a look at the color wheel on the page.  It is a liturgical calendar.  We normally keep a calendar to mark special days such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.  In the same way, the Church keeps a calendar to mark special times in Jesus' life, such as his death, Resurrection, and return to his Father.  

In our calendar year, we have seasons, - winter, spring, summer and fall.  The liturgical calendar has seasons too.  What seasons are shown on this calendar?

Just as our regular calendar has holidays that commemorate the birthdays of important people or recall important events, the liturgical calendar has feast days and holidays.  What feast days are shown on this calendar?

We are currently in the season of Lent.  Soon the Church will celebrate the most sacred, or holy, events of the entire year.  We give this week the special name of Holy Week.  Today we will talk about how the Church celebrates Holy Week.  

Holy Week begins during the last days of Lent.  The first day of Holy Week is also the last Sunday of Lent.  What is this day called? Palm Sunday

The season of Lent ends during the day on Holy Thursday.  The next three days are called the Easter Triduum.  What does Triduum mean?  three days

On these three days, the Church community remembers Jesus' Last Supper and death on the Cross.  The night of the third day, Holy Saturday, we wait in vigil for Jesus' Resurrection from the dead on Easter.  

On Holy Thursday we celebrate the Lord's last Supper.  Jesus did many important things.  One of the most important things he did was give us the Eucharist, our spiritual food.  He also gave us a new commandment that night.   (Love one another as I love you)

On Good Friday, Jesus suffered and died on the Cross.  Even though what happened to Jesus was terrible, we call this day a good day.  Why do we call it a Good Friday? Through Jesus' suffering and death, we were saved.

On Holy Saturday, we celebrate the Easter Vigil.  A vigil is a time of watching and waiting.  The vigil marks the end of Holy Week and the beginning of our greatest feast, Easter.  During Mass that evening, the priest makes and blesses a new fire.  The priest then lights the paschal candle.  After, all the parishioners light their own candle from the paschal candle.  

That was a lot of information to cover!  Please now read all about Holy Week starting on page 225.  

Although no written homework for this week, I would like for all of you to say extra special prayers this week.  Our eighth-grade students will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Monday evening.  Please pray that their hearts will be open to receiving the Holy Spirt and that their faith will continue to grow and deepen in our Lord.  Thank you for always doing your very best each week.  I am so proud of each and every one of you.    


Mrs. Lisson 

Week 26 Easter

Date Assigned: 3/18/23

Date Due: 3/25/23

Dear  Students,

Just as nature is beginning to show signs of new life, the Church also celebrates the new life we have received from Jesus.  What do we call this celebration? (Easter)

This is the most important time of the Church year.  Easter is so important to us that we celebrate for 50 days.  Today we will learn more about what we celebrate during Easter.  We will also share a special prayer praising God for the new life Jesus gives to us.  

Read Page 227 in your book.

Think about that very first Easter.  Imagine how worried the women were when they realized Jesus was no longer in the tomb.  The two men in dazzling clothes told the women that Jesus had risen.  Imagine the disciples disbelief when the women told them what had happened.  Remember, although Jesus had explained himself to the disciples, it wasn't until they were able to touch him that they believed he was real.  

The disciples were so sad and discouraged when Jesus died on the Cross.  They thought he was their Savior, but they watched him die just like any other man.  They seemed to forget that Jesus said he would rise on the third day.  Seeing Jesus gave the disciples joy and hope.  

On page 228- please write in the lines provided how you and your family plan on spending Easter Sunday.  Do you go to Easter Vigil mass the night before? Do you go on Sunday morning?  Do you have a special dinner with family?  

I am not much for writing poetry, so if you rather write about your Easter Sunday plans- I'd love to hear about them.  If you would rather write a poem, go for it!  

I think all your extra special prayers worked this past week.  Confirmation was positively beautiful.  Our 8th grade students are now fully initiated into our Catholic faith.  What a beautiful experience to watch these fine young men and women.  

Please plan on attending St. Anne's Tricky Tray event this weekend.  There are lots of fabulous prizes and great food!  It is open tonight until 8 pm and on Sunday at 8 am with a pancake breakfast until 11.  Lunch will be served until 2.  

Have a wonderful week!  I will keep you all in my prayers.


Miss Amy 

Week 27 

Date: 3/26/23

Dear Students,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work you have done this school year.  You and your parents worked hard each week and remained committed to learning about the Lord.  I know that doing it virtually was a family commitment.  

Please remember that I am only a phone call or email away if you ever need anything.  Be sure to stay true to your faith and the Lord will provide.  

Watch the weekly bulletin in the month of July for information about registration for CCD for the 2023-2024 school year.  Just a reminder, our program will be moving back into the classroom for next school year.  

I have enjoyed getting to know all of you.  I will continue to accept assignments from last week if you have not already submitted.  No new assignments will be posted. 


Mrs. Lisson