Hands-on Guide

Instructor demo

Instructor begins by setting up the bench with the training "kit" and powering on the TV w/ HDMI microscope

Key introduction points

student hands-on

The student will now solder the same components the TA demonstrated on their half of the board.

student exam

To pass the qualification exam, the student will independently finish soldering the remaining components on the board and the instructor will evaluate the solder joints according to the criteria below. The instructor can be elsewhere in the lab while the student works.

The following criteria will be used to grade the exam and pertain ONLY to the components labeled as "Student Exam" on the schematic. 

Described as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory:

If any of the criteria are "unsatisfactory," the student may have as many attempts as necessary to fix the issue. The instructor can provide feedback/demonstrations on the student's board (if necessary). If the student continues to struggle, or the instructor is concerned for the safety of the student/equipment, the instructor will hand-off the student to the Instructional Lab Manager for one-on-one help. 

Full Schematic