Meet the Team

Roshail Gerard

I'm a mechanical engineer motivated towards making a difference in the world through a career in robotics. I enjoy working with physical systems, and believe in using a systematic and mathematical approach to solve real-world problems.

I spent my undergraduate education at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay focusing on breadth and exposure. I am currently pursuing an MSME degree at Stanford, to add depth to my knowledge to make me a full-fledged robotics engineer.

I'm a passionate soccer player and fan, and also enjoy reading fantasy novels.


Quillan Smith

During my undergrad I took ME 210 (Intro to Mechatronics) as an elective and got hooked on mechatronics. I appreciate the way it has required me to combine several skills I have picked up through school and internships, and has pushed me to improve my ability to debug systems.

I did my undergrad in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford and currently am a first year Coterm student in Mechanical Engineering working toward a focus in Mechatronics.

I love playing basketball and Mario Kart.


Lawrence Domingo

Life-Long Learner

Avid Reader

Whole-Minded Polymath

Really trying to go to Burning Man

Engineering Major (Biomedical and Mechanical)

Newly-minted PhD Candidate

Cal Poly - SLO Graduate

Esalen Institute Graduate


Peter Schleede

I'm a mechanical engineer who loves the interface between software and physical systems. After graduating and working for a year as a controls engineer, I came to Stanford hoping to develop the skills to work in autonomous vehicles and design a technology that can save tens of thousands of lives.

My undergraduate was in Mechanical Engineering at Brigham Young University-Provo and am now an MSME at Stanford. My depth area is mechatronics, rounded out with courses from all over the School of Engineering.

I'm an avid fantasy reader, and also love playing ultimate frisbee and exploring the world with my wife, Sarah.
