Reqs and Function

ME 218A Students were encouraged to apply their knowledge of sensors and signal conditioning through an interactive platform that educated users on climate change. Requirements were assigned with specification flexibility to be determined by the student teams.

Environmentalized Home miniaturized a simulation for how residents can minimize energy consumption and water usage as a sustainable practice.

Our project first required the insertion of a LEAF to start up the system. Users interacted with our project by hammering in insulation, turning off the lights, and reducing water usage. All interactions were tied to, at a minimum, an LED feedback system. Cumulative energy consumption was modeled through an energy consumption meter that consisted of an array LEDs that would light according to power consumption.

LEAF Insertion

Users were required to start the game by inserting a Lightweight Environmental Actions File (LEAF).

Hammer Insulation

The game would periodically prompt the user to hammer in insulation into the house's walls to educate users on methods to redesign household infrastructure to reduce energy loss.

Turn Off the Lights

The game would periodically prompt the user to turn off the lights to educate users on ways to reduce energy consumption.

Reduce Water Usage

The game would periodically prompt the user to turn off the water to educate users on ways to reduce water usage.

Energy Consumption Meter

Climate change is a consequence of accumulation and we sought to communicate this accumulation through an energy consumption meter. Users were then able to see the positive (and occasionally negative) outcomes of day-to-day decisions to reduce or neglect energy consumption.

Interaction Points