About me

I became interested in natural hazards after volunteer work in New Orleans, and began pursuing research in this field during undergrad on a hurricane evacuation project advised by Rachel Davidson. I aim to center my work such that it can benefit and empower communities. My broad goals are to analyze regional risk in a way which is understood and useful for communities to take action and empowers them to become more resilient against disasters.

At Stanford, I am a member of the Baker Research Group and I am a student leadership council member of the Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative. I participated in a Stanford Graduate Summer Institute course on Research with Impact and am in the Stanford Impact Labs Summer Collaborative Research Fellowship program to build skills in community engaged research.

Originally from Maryland, I have been drawn to the West Coast and especially the Bay Area for its abundance of nature! To take a break, I love to backpack, rock climb, run, and wander around the farmers' market. My favorite place to hike in California so far is Yosemite!